Judge Amy Coney Barrett will most surely be confirmed
By hypocrites who occupy the Senate on the right
Her prior strong activities, decisions she’s conferred
Reveal a bias so far right to be clear out of sight
Her nomination by the Pres. just days before elections
Reverses the position of the Reps.four years ago
Refusing Merrick Garland’s chance that time to be selected
To fill the seat vacated by Scalia’s passing so
Trump says he needs her for protection after the election
To vote for him so he’ll succeed in stealing the election
He says that he will challenge the results of the election
And make the nation’s courts decide just who won the election
The way to thwart his clear intention thus to stay in power
Is Democrats must overwhelm Trump at the voting booths
And mail-ins and with early voting victory will flower
So that twenty January, transfer will be smooth
And when Judge Barrett dons the robe of our most court supreme
The Congress then should add more justices to up the count
To, thus, achieve a right-left balance countering extremes
‘Twill only work depending on the victory Dems. mount