
Donald Trump on super steroids
At the White House short of breath
Posing for the nation’s tabloids
Standing tall but pale as death

Trump, released from Walter Reed
To be at home in isolation
Shed his mask, a thoughtless deed,
To look the hero to the nation

Yesterday all that took place
Last night was even crazier
He tweeted at a furious pace
Each message growing spacier

Today he ordered Mnuchin stop
All efforts on a stimulus bill
But when he saw the Dow Jones drop
Reversed himself, against his will

So what does Trump’s behavior mean?
What’s going on within his brain?
‘Twas bad enough before this scene
But steroids add an extra strain

That amplifies Trump’s tendency’s
To order things erratically
Imperiling the Presidency
Endangering emphatically

The nation. ‘Tis our current state
To wonder what will be our fate


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

3 thoughts on “Trumpolini”

  1. My Country ’tis of thee
    Our fate what will it be?
    With Trump sheer misery
    Don’t let that be

    The answer, I do note
    And you may on me quote
    Get on the Biden boat
    And vote, get out and vote!

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