Last night late, the news was hot
That Donald Trump the virus got
This morning’s symptoms worse appeared
He’s now at Walter Reed for care
Remdesivir a cocktail full of antibodies
Slowing down immune reactions
Unapproved but under study
Trump’s receiving, hoping traction
He’s weak, he’s hot, he’s short of breath
At least he isn’t close to death
His doctors say he’s doing great
The truth is: no one knows his fate
We feel compassion for his plight
He must, by now be full of fright
We pray that he will win this fight
With all his faculties alright
But Trump, compassion, never knew
Two hundred thousand people dead
Because he dodged what he should do
Ignoring science, myths instead
He sneered at people wearing masks.
So they could in his favor bask
His guests, his staff, his family
All wore no masks quite happily
The virus took Trump by surprise
The gov’s top echelons as well
Let’s hope that none among them dies
Let’s hope, but only time will tell