We watched in disbelief as news of Trump and the First Lady
That both have tested positive for COVID-19 plague
We clearly pray they’ll be okay, and all of those around them
This raises new uncertainties, elections and campaigns
Security without, within; the whole world’s looking on
Trump’s old and fat; his risk is high; uncertain what comes next
Joe Biden, too, and V.P. Pence, are they at risk as well?
All these are questions on my mind where only time will tell
Is there plan B or even C? I hope so but I’ve doubts
Hope Hicks, who tested positive, appears to be the source
And many top admin. officials also were exposed
They should go into quarantine for fourteen days or more
Will this now change Trump’s public stance: the virus is behind us?
It’s safe to gather without masks, close packed, inside and out
And how will Trump’s supporters feel, now knowing they’ve been duped?
Stock futures down and stocks will likely open down as well
So many thoughts and questions are all swirling ‘round my head
I could go on, now 1 AM, I think I’ll go to bed.