Even though it turns my stomach, all the deaths while Trump’s remote
Even though I feel for people struggling to make ends meet
Even though it worries me, Trump’s legal moves to thwart our votes
I do feel good that signs are strong for Biden’s win by margins great
The DOW is down, the turnout’s up, persistent voters in long lines
Mail-in ballots and the polls are pointing strongly Biden’s way
But not for granted can we take it, things can change in little time
Be that as may, I like the way that Biden’s prospects look today
The vote’s a referendum on the Pres.; his lack of leadership
In handling the virus plague now spiraling beyond control
His blatant moves to change us to a virtual dictatorship
Weigh lightly, if at all to voters, nor his permanency goal
Liar, cheater, gross behavior, acts that border close to treason
The man’s a clear and present danger to our young democracy
It strikes me: the indifference of most voters. What’s the reason?
It took a great pandemic to reveal the man’s inadequacy
The reason is so many of us hardly notice daily news
It hardly has an impact on our lives, or so we think
It’s politics, ugh politics, the prevalence of public views:
Do-nothing Congress, all corrupt; not worth it to maintain a link
This virus is the worst of banes; the toll it’s taking hurts my soul
But we’re it never to have happened who’d have won next week’s election?
It’s likely Trump would be much closer, leading in the daily polls
God’s ways inscrutable and hard to take, upon reflection
Month: October 2020
She now is Justice Amy Barrett not for better but for worse
Her writings show she’s further to the right than Justice Thomas
Senator McConnell’s gloating, stated principles reversed
And every senator who joined him went against his vocal promise
Hypocrisy is nothing new among those whom we’ve all elected
It is unfortunate but, really, that’s what we expect of them
But THIS hypocrisy’s so blatant, dire the impact that’s expected,
Grand Old Party senators discredited, each one of them
Same-sex marriage, vote suppression, also women’s right to choose,
Obama Care and even the election (maybe) soon will be
Brought before the Court Supreme, with Amy we’ll be bound to lose
The answer to this situation is to pack the Court Supreme
But, for that to happen, really we must overwhelmingly
Win both up and down the ballot, win on the Election Day
Vote, yourself and contact all your friends and family
Get them to vote and sway them, if you can, to vote our way
So Let’s Suppose
So let’s suppose, ‘though no one knows, that Donald, big time, loses
That votes are massive, nothing passive, facts no one confuses
Not even Trump, fresh off the stump, could challenge these results
I am perplexed, what happens next? Would we expect a tumult?
We watched the prexy great debate, ‘twas better than the last
Trump’s litany of lies comprised most every phrase he cast
His polling range will not much change. My guess, his loss so great
He’ll not resort to trials in court, he’ll just accept his fate
Pres. Trump’s next gesture, I’ll conjecture will be to resign
To make Mike Pence as POTUS hence, agreed to by design
So Pence, by bargain, will then pardon Trump and family close
And Trump will hie, his jet-craft fly to somewhere undisclosed
Scenarios like these, I know, are cheaper by the dozen
Perhaps an inkling, wishful thinking, bees in bonnets buzzing
But Trump most fully is a bully; bullies all are cowards
Trump can’t face losing, truth refusing, no more praises showered
Herd Immunity
Scott Atlas, radiologist, adviser to the President
The man that Trump now listens to on matters of the viral plague
Who lacks of training in this field, his ignorance is evident
He favors herd immunity, a plan with outcomes not so vague
So what is herd immunity? It’s where the country’s population
Gets immune by having caught the virus and survived
For this to work some seven tenths of people in the nation
Would have to have contracted it and still remain alive
That’s two three zero million of us catching the disease
The current death percent is known as two point seven five
Some six point three three million of us won’t end up alive
That is the Trump pandemic plan to put your mind at ease
Judge Barrett
Judge Amy Coney Barrett will most surely be confirmed
By hypocrites who occupy the Senate on the right
Her prior strong activities, decisions she’s conferred
Reveal a bias so far right to be clear out of sight
Her nomination by the Pres. just days before elections
Reverses the position of the Reps.four years ago
Refusing Merrick Garland’s chance that time to be selected
To fill the seat vacated by Scalia’s passing so
Trump says he needs her for protection after the election
To vote for him so he’ll succeed in stealing the election
He says that he will challenge the results of the election
And make the nation’s courts decide just who won the election
The way to thwart his clear intention thus to stay in power
Is Democrats must overwhelm Trump at the voting booths
And mail-ins and with early voting victory will flower
So that twenty January, transfer will be smooth
And when Judge Barrett dons the robe of our most court supreme
The Congress then should add more justices to up the count
To, thus, achieve a right-left balance countering extremes
‘Twill only work depending on the victory Dems. mount
Vote Forward
Vote Forward
Hooray, we cast our vote today
We’ll let you guess for whom cast
If you’ve not voted yet we say
Don’t put it off. Get off your…derrière
One hundred letters we’ve prepared
Reminding voters time to vote
Vote-Forward’s project, if you care please do take note
Six million letters will be mailed
Prepared by people like yourself
I strongly urge that you avail
Yourself this project so to help
To make Dem. turnout truly great
So Donald’s cheating can’t prevail
Do join Vote Forward; lot’s at stake
The seventeenth, these letters mail
Donald Trump on super steroids
At the White House short of breath
Posing for the nation’s tabloids
Standing tall but pale as death
Trump, released from Walter Reed
To be at home in isolation
Shed his mask, a thoughtless deed,
To look the hero to the nation
Yesterday all that took place
Last night was even crazier
He tweeted at a furious pace
Each message growing spacier
Today he ordered Mnuchin stop
All efforts on a stimulus bill
But when he saw the Dow Jones drop
Reversed himself, against his will
So what does Trump’s behavior mean?
What’s going on within his brain?
‘Twas bad enough before this scene
But steroids add an extra strain
That amplifies Trump’s tendency’s
To order things erratically
Imperiling the Presidency
Endangering emphatically
The nation. ‘Tis our current state
To wonder what will be our fate
The Unmasking
Last night late, the news was hot
That Donald Trump the virus got
This morning’s symptoms worse appeared
He’s now at Walter Reed for care
Remdesivir a cocktail full of antibodies
Slowing down immune reactions
Unapproved but under study
Trump’s receiving, hoping traction
He’s weak, he’s hot, he’s short of breath
At least he isn’t close to death
His doctors say he’s doing great
The truth is: no one knows his fate
We feel compassion for his plight
He must, by now be full of fright
We pray that he will win this fight
With all his faculties alright
But Trump, compassion, never knew
Two hundred thousand people dead
Because he dodged what he should do
Ignoring science, myths instead
He sneered at people wearing masks.
So they could in his favor bask
His guests, his staff, his family
All wore no masks quite happily
The virus took Trump by surprise
The gov’s top echelons as well
Let’s hope that none among them dies
Let’s hope, but only time will tell
Difficult Breaking News
We watched in disbelief as news of Trump and the First Lady
That both have tested positive for COVID-19 plague
We clearly pray they’ll be okay, and all of those around them
This raises new uncertainties, elections and campaigns
Security without, within; the whole world’s looking on
Trump’s old and fat; his risk is high; uncertain what comes next
Joe Biden, too, and V.P. Pence, are they at risk as well?
All these are questions on my mind where only time will tell
Is there plan B or even C? I hope so but I’ve doubts
Hope Hicks, who tested positive, appears to be the source
And many top admin. officials also were exposed
They should go into quarantine for fourteen days or more
Will this now change Trump’s public stance: the virus is behind us?
It’s safe to gather without masks, close packed, inside and out
And how will Trump’s supporters feel, now knowing they’ve been duped?
Stock futures down and stocks will likely open down as well
So many thoughts and questions are all swirling ‘round my head
I could go on, now 1 AM, I think I’ll go to bed.