

The Jews throughout the many lands, wherever they may be
Observe Yom Kipper, self atonement, asking for forgiveness
From those we may have treated poorly, asking humbly,
Both knowingly and knowing not, that they have caused duress

The verses I have written, my opinions loud and clear
On politics and happenings occurring through the year
May be offensive to some readers having different views
Who draw conclusions other than what I conclude from news

I’ve no intent to hurt or to belittle anyone
You’ve every right to your opinion just as I to mine
I do apologize for pain, for harm I may have done
I ask forgiveness from you each, forgiveness is Devine

Perhaps the one I’ve slandered most, my words will never reach
They’ll not be put before him during any daily brief
Nor on Fox News, his source of truth, nor golfing on the green
Since Trump is not one to forgive, he’d surly cause me grief

My Poelitcs postings on the Trump reveal what’s real
To me as I observe his actions; it is what I feel
I don’t apologize for them, they serve as warnings clear
Democracy cannot survive another four more years


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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