Democracy’s Demise

It’s real, it’s now, it’s happening, Trump plans to steal the vote
Ignore the ballots, they’re a hoax; the ballots matter not
That’s what the Trump is saying; it’s what he intends, make note
Republican State legislators planning, now, their plot

The voted ballots they’ll ignore on some trumped up excuse
They’ll label them invalid, ‘though there’ll be no evidence
And choose their own electors who’ll be sure that Trump won’t lose
Who’ll pledge to vote for Donald Trump and V.P. Michael Pence

When Trump was asked by news reporters if he’d leave in peace
The twentieth of January, were he voted out
Trump’s answer: there’ll be no transition, voter’s choice will cease
He’ll win Supreme Court rulings, there can really be no doubt

What can the country do about it; what should be our plan?
It’s tell your friends, your family, Republicans and Dems.
Democracy, itself, is on the ballot; Dems. must win
By overwhelming numbers, Donald’s anarchy to stem

We have to vote against the Trump as early as we can
So mail-in ballots can be counted on Election Day
To clearly show that Trump is losing and defeat his plan
To steal this next election, or we’ll truly rue the day


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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