RBG passed on today. Distressed, bereft is how we feel
A giant jurist of our time who fought for rights of all mankind
Especially for women’s rights she persevered with guts and smarts
True, Kamala as candidate to be VP
Sans RPG just wouldn’t be
She has a special place in all our hearts
A legacy of law and love she leaves behind
We’ll miss her brilliant case opinions stated forthrightly with zeal
We’ll miss the icon beautiful she was
Ramifications worrisome, political her passing brings
‘Though less than three months ‘till elections Mitch McConnell is hell bent
To vote a right-wing candidate to fill her seat on Court Supreme
Four years ago, ten months to go, he blocked Obama’s choice
His now a different voice
Mitch wallows in hypocrisy and power is his dream
To him her death was heaven sent
But if success alludes him, some shenanigan he’ll spring
To maintain Trump as President, his cause
Assume Trump is defeated by a suitable majority
He’ll surely claim the voting rigged and try to hold it up in court
It rapidly would reach the highest court now seating only eight
When votes are tied, as I am told
The lower court’s decisions hold
That court could have the power to decide the country’s fate
That’s just one possibility, to Mitch, this is his sport
We must convincingly win big; it must be our priority
That RBG, her life’s work shall live on