Suckers and losers who choose to be in
The U.S. armed forces; they really are dim
Just why would a person decide for the service?
There’s no money in it. The suckers deserve it
I know I’m Commander in Chief, but of what?
A bunch of dumb soldiers who cockily strut
Around in their uniforms, ribboned and brassy
It makes them feel powerful, spit-shined and classy
And then, when in combat, they risk getting killed
(I can’t stand the thought of my blood being spilled)
By taking on missions where Fate is the chooser
Of course when they’ve fallen then who is the loser?
The graveyards are full of these losers, some sight!
Why honor them, they having lost in their fight?
I do prefer winners, the smart ones who knew
Not to sign up to begin with; those who
Could make themselves wealthy by breaking the rules
And cheating the dough out of you stupid fools
The concept of “service, a worthy endeavor”
Is bait for the simple, but I was too clever
To fall for that tripe: duty, honor and country,
However I can, it’s my life to make money