First Debate

Donald Trump’s troubling verbal disrupting performance at last night’s debate
Was not simply stumbling outbursts of grumbling due to his unstable state
He planned his theatrics, intent his didactics, to teach us debates are a waste
With vanity oozing because he was loosing, a pill that’s to bitter to taste

Though Trump tried his damnedest, Joe Biden was candid, in spite of when Donald upstaged
And spoke to the nation a clear recitation of how, their concerns, he’d engage
But then I must mention when Chris posed the question, for Trump on the stage to reply
Denouncing supremacists, anti-Jew racists, his answer: “stand back and stand by”

It is my impression that Trump’s true intention’s to make sure that ballots won’t count
He’ll send his militias, to look and act vicious, disrupt, causing voters to doubt
That voting’s worthwhile, their ballots defiled, corruption’s theme of the day
Enabling the President, following precedent, suing in Court for their say

At this point I feel dumb; I can’t see the outcome and pray that it won’t come to this
But Dems must be ready with nerves that are steady to stand their ground, bullies resist
Be ready with lawyers, and, if needed, coppers, that ballots be safe for both sides
And Dems in great numbers, an historic wonder, all vote for a Biden landslide




The Jews throughout the many lands, wherever they may be
Observe Yom Kipper, self atonement, asking for forgiveness
From those we may have treated poorly, asking humbly,
Both knowingly and knowing not, that they have caused duress

The verses I have written, my opinions loud and clear
On politics and happenings occurring through the year
May be offensive to some readers having different views
Who draw conclusions other than what I conclude from news

I’ve no intent to hurt or to belittle anyone
You’ve every right to your opinion just as I to mine
I do apologize for pain, for harm I may have done
I ask forgiveness from you each, forgiveness is Devine

Perhaps the one I’ve slandered most, my words will never reach
They’ll not be put before him during any daily brief
Nor on Fox News, his source of truth, nor golfing on the green
Since Trump is not one to forgive, he’d surly cause me grief

My Poelitcs postings on the Trump reveal what’s real
To me as I observe his actions; it is what I feel
I don’t apologize for them, they serve as warnings clear
Democracy cannot survive another four more years


An Important Response

Subject: An important response

This message from Rabbi Danny Meseng was sent to me by my dear friend, Jared. I believe It is appropriate as my Yom Kipper message.

A rabbi’s response to our President calling Jews “lacking knowledge and disloyal” if they vote Democratic:

Rabbi Danny Maseng writes:

“As a Jew
Since you called me out as a Jew, Mr. President, since you thought to call me disloyal or lacking knowledge by not voting for you, I’d like to respond to you personally, even though I have no illusions you will read this.
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I am commanded to love the stranger who dwells among us no less than thirty-six times in the Bible you claim to treasure. I am commanded to have one law for the stranger and the citizen. No exceptions.
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I am commanded to pay my employees on time, including undocumented workers at casinos, construction sites, or golf courses.
As a Jew,
I am commanded to repay bank loans and investors.
As a Jew,
I am commanded to never bear false witness.
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I am commanded to guard my tongue and speak no evil.
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I am commanded to never embarrass my fellow human being in public, lest I be accused of spilling their blood – including Ted Cruz or the late Senator and war hero, John McCain.
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I take great offense in my president attacking Denmark, a country that gallantly saved its Jews from the Nazis, while most of Europe fell asleep.
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I take umbrage in my Grandfather, the sainted Dr. Rabbi Harry S. Davidowitz, who inhaled poison gas in the trenches of WWI as a US Army chaplain, being called disloyal because he voted Democrat.
As a Jew,
born and raised in Israel, I take offense at you calling me disloyal to America AND to Israel because I oppose your inept, ghoulish, uncouth, deceitful, inhumane farce of leadership. How many tours of duty have you performed for Israel during wartime? Or, for that sake, the USA?
As a Jew,
Mr. President, I reserve the right to oppose Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib (neither of whom called upon the help of a former KGB operative to help them in their election to office), while simultaneously condemning your divisive, racist rants and policies.
As a Jew
who has proud Republican family members who I love and cherish, I am ashamed of what you have done to the Republican party; to conservative ideals – even if I do not share all of those ideals.
As a Jew
whose Christian uncle fought heroically at the Battle of the Bulge for our country and for the salvation of Europe – I am ashamed by the mockery you visit upon his sacrifice.
As the son of a Christian pilot, later converted to Judaism, who led American pilots to glorious victory over Nazi Germany, I am outraged by your embrace of neo-Nazi’s and racists in America (that same pilot, who became a squadron commander in the Israeli Air Force, and fought for Israel’s independence).
As a Jew,
I am disgraced by your fawning adoration of the worst dictators of our century – you violate Christian and Jewish values by doing so.
As a Jew;
as a well-informed Jew who loves and cares deeply for Israel and for America, I condemn you and call you out for the divisive fool, the ogre, the ghoul that you are.
May my soul not enter your council, let me not join your assembly.”

Democracy’s Demise

It’s real, it’s now, it’s happening, Trump plans to steal the vote
Ignore the ballots, they’re a hoax; the ballots matter not
That’s what the Trump is saying; it’s what he intends, make note
Republican State legislators planning, now, their plot

The voted ballots they’ll ignore on some trumped up excuse
They’ll label them invalid, ‘though there’ll be no evidence
And choose their own electors who’ll be sure that Trump won’t lose
Who’ll pledge to vote for Donald Trump and V.P. Michael Pence

When Trump was asked by news reporters if he’d leave in peace
The twentieth of January, were he voted out
Trump’s answer: there’ll be no transition, voter’s choice will cease
He’ll win Supreme Court rulings, there can really be no doubt

What can the country do about it; what should be our plan?
It’s tell your friends, your family, Republicans and Dems.
Democracy, itself, is on the ballot; Dems. must win
By overwhelming numbers, Donald’s anarchy to stem

We have to vote against the Trump as early as we can
So mail-in ballots can be counted on Election Day
To clearly show that Trump is losing and defeat his plan
To steal this next election, or we’ll truly rue the day



RBG passed on today. Distressed, bereft is how we feel
A giant jurist of our time who fought for rights of all mankind
Especially for women’s rights she persevered with guts and smarts
True, Kamala as candidate to be VP
Sans RPG just wouldn’t be
She has a special place in all our hearts
A legacy of law and love she leaves behind
We’ll miss her brilliant case opinions stated forthrightly with zeal

We’ll miss the icon beautiful she was

Ramifications worrisome, political her passing brings
‘Though less than three months ‘till elections Mitch McConnell is hell bent
To vote a right-wing candidate to fill her seat on Court Supreme
Four years ago, ten months to go, he blocked Obama’s choice
His now a different voice
Mitch wallows in hypocrisy and power is his dream
To him her death was heaven sent
But if success alludes him, some shenanigan he’ll spring

To maintain Trump as President, his cause

Assume Trump is defeated by a suitable majority
He’ll surely claim the voting rigged and try to hold it up in court
It rapidly would reach the highest court now seating only eight
When votes are tied, as I am told
The lower court’s decisions hold
That court could have the power to decide the country’s fate
That’s just one possibility, to Mitch, this is his sport
We must convincingly win big; it must be our priority

That RBG, her life’s work shall live on


Earth Existential

It may be confusing but hardly amusing that Trump keeps refusing what scientists tell
A state’s conflagration, the worst in the nation, despite information that Trump knows damn well
That climate is changing, he’s publicly claiming, is not man polluting of the Earth’s atmosphere
“The sun has grown hotter. Ground brush is the fodder for fires to burn faster. It should have been cleared.”
The sun isn’t causing the temperature’s rising, it’s carbon dioxide increasing in air
As temperatures increase more plant species decease eventually leaving lands barren and bare
But Trump gets financing from oil tycoons dancing to Trump’s tune, enhancing his coffers and clout
It’s Earth existential on us now essential to thwart Trump’s potential and vote the lout out.




Presidents are judged by the decisions they have made
Actions they have taken and the ones they’ve taken not
Words they’ve spoken, words unspoken,debts they haven’t paid
Presidents are judged by promises that they forgot

Presidents that go to war put soldiers in harms way
To guarantee democracy secure will always be
Full knowing thousands won’t return, but that’s the price to pay
By far the hardest choice they’ll make to keep the country free

But when a president decides to fabricate the news
A deadly viral epidemic coming to our land
And downplays its virility, full knowing it’s a ruse
To keep the stocks from panicking, that person should be damned

In contrast, lives we lose to war, are hard but sufferable
But lives lost to the President’s desire to keep his post
As President; one ninety thousand dead. Deplorable!
Trump knew the deadly truth, but for himself is what he chose


Commander in Chief

Suckers and losers who choose to be in
The U.S. armed forces; they really are dim
Just why would a person decide for the service?
There’s no money in it. The suckers deserve it
I know I’m Commander in Chief, but of what?
A bunch of dumb soldiers who cockily strut
Around in their uniforms, ribboned and brassy
It makes them feel powerful, spit-shined and classy

And then, when in combat, they risk getting killed
(I can’t stand the thought of my blood being spilled)
By taking on missions where Fate is the chooser
Of course when they’ve fallen then who is the loser?
The graveyards are full of these losers, some sight!
Why honor them, they having lost in their fight?
I do prefer winners, the smart ones who knew
Not to sign up to begin with; those who
Could make themselves wealthy by breaking the rules
And cheating the dough out of you stupid fools

The concept of “service, a worthy endeavor”
Is bait for the simple, but I was too clever
To fall for that tripe: duty, honor and country,
However I can, it’s my life to make money
