Last week we watched the Biden, Harris Democrats
This week we watched the Trump Republicans
Last week, uplifting filled with plans and facts
This week was full of lies, devoid of plans
Destruction, doom would happen, really would
If Biden were elected, ‘twould be dire
He’d threaten your suburban neighborhood
Protestor riots, looting, setting fires
For Trump to win he needs you to be scared
You dumb suburban housewives, pert and prim
Joe Biden’s lying when he says he cares
Trump is your savior, you must vote for him
This President enjoys to break the law
Which he’s above like all dictators are
The White House, his to muster for his cause
Accepting nomination on its lawn
These past three years with Trump there at the helm
He’s done the things projected on to Biden
He’s demonstrated that he’s overwhelmed
In facing the pandemic; he’s in hiding
Conventions by and large are soon forgotten
Except impressions linger on for years
This long week made me feel its smell was rotten
But last week made me want to stand and cheer