I’m currently reading a book by Kurt Andersen
Called “Evil Geniuses”, thorough and deep
Political history of right-wing shenanigans
Foisted on us clearly gullible sheep
The geniuses, big-business men pulling wool
O’er eyes of the public, what’s said, what is done
To get us to vote policies, like a fool
That clearly will harm us. So far they have won
That’s why such a chasm in income exists
Between top executives and their employees
The chasm gets greater as their way persists
While we vote for charlatans speaking to please
Another example in front of our eyes
The stock market’s peaking around all-time highs
With miles of car lines for food to get by
And thousands of victims of plague daily die
These universe masters are hooked on their greed
For riches and power, to hell with the rest
They’ll do anything to keep feeding their need
And change all the laws to fit their greed the best
Along comes Joe Biden who promises to
Enact liberal policies, strong safety nets
Rebuild failed America, climate change too
But all that takes money, not easy to get
He’ll have to raise taxes on those who are rich
For certain they know it, the geniuses do
They’ll rise up against him, large sums in they’ll pitch
And should Biden win, they’ve got that covered too
Should Trump then reject the election results
Their stooges, Republicans, will not object
To letting Trump steal back his place by default
“To Hell with democracy!”, that I expect
So what’s our alternative, what can we do?
Raise up enough capital, outdo the rich
Increase our base turnout to heights that are new
And make this a landslide to oust Trump and Mitch
Prepare and be ready to march, to protest
In numbers unheard of throughout the U. S.
Our lawyers be ready Trump’s case to contest
And march ‘till we win; it will be our great test