Back in December of twenty nineteen
I made a prediction of Dem’s candidate
To be President, then my choice, sight unseen
Was Joseph R. Biden, ‘though they all were great
Then, back in July in the poem, Super Liners
I made a prediction who Biden would choose
To be his VP, who would make his team finer
He’d choose Kamala Harris, and that’s today’s news
It’s not that I’m prescient, perceptive, perhaps
Although all the candidates met my approval
These two, in particular, joining, we have
The best opportunity for Trump’s removal
We know Trump is using his President’s powers
Ignoring all norms, violating the laws
Suppressing the vote; all the lies Trump espouses
Out-pulling all stops in support of his cause
It promises ugly, it promises bad
Our challenge ahead of us looms large as life
The hardest election we’ll ever have had
But we’re ready now to fight Trumpean strife