My automatic rifle’s who I am
It makes me tough, a fierce militia man
Without it I’m diminished; I’m a sham
Thank God for guns, be sure they’re never banned
I was a loser; I’d myself detest
My friends were losers; none of us fit in
But with our AR-15s we’re the best
You mess with us and we will do you in
Our skin is white, not brown or black or red
They are inferior and so are all the Jews
We hate them all, They steel our jobs, our bread
And demonstrate when they don’t like the news
A nigger’s killed by coppers doing their job
One less for us when toll time does arrive
Exterminate the vermin, all the snobs
There won’t be any of them left alive
But now we must make certain Trump remains
As President, since he supports our cause
We must respond with violence, disdain
Ensuring demonstrators break the law
I’m now a hero and a patriot
The President and all his loyal men
They praise me now. That little boy I’m not
I’m not the boy so lost from way back when
Month: August 2020
Last week we watched the Biden, Harris Democrats
This week we watched the Trump Republicans
Last week, uplifting filled with plans and facts
This week was full of lies, devoid of plans
Destruction, doom would happen, really would
If Biden were elected, ‘twould be dire
He’d threaten your suburban neighborhood
Protestor riots, looting, setting fires
For Trump to win he needs you to be scared
You dumb suburban housewives, pert and prim
Joe Biden’s lying when he says he cares
Trump is your savior, you must vote for him
This President enjoys to break the law
Which he’s above like all dictators are
The White House, his to muster for his cause
Accepting nomination on its lawn
These past three years with Trump there at the helm
He’s done the things projected on to Biden
He’s demonstrated that he’s overwhelmed
In facing the pandemic; he’s in hiding
Conventions by and large are soon forgotten
Except impressions linger on for years
This long week made me feel its smell was rotten
But last week made me want to stand and cheer
Yes, All Vote
Terrific’s the word that invaded my mind
The way it so thought of the Demo convention
It brought us together; left no one behind
I think it exceeded its planners’ intentions
Conventions, I’ve seen many throughout my years,
Balloons and the cheering, the speeches, the works,
Creative, original, overcame fears
Of working with Zoom with its technical quirks
Obamas and Kamala, Biden for sure
Each hit a home run in the speeches they gave
For critical crises they’ve plans toward their cures
The fate of Democracy is ours to save
It’s on us, the people to vote, yes all vote
To see that our families all vote, yes all vote
To see that our neighbors all vote, yes all vote
No matter the obstacles , vote, yes all vote
Our Great Test
I’m currently reading a book by Kurt Andersen
Called “Evil Geniuses”, thorough and deep
Political history of right-wing shenanigans
Foisted on us clearly gullible sheep
The geniuses, big-business men pulling wool
O’er eyes of the public, what’s said, what is done
To get us to vote policies, like a fool
That clearly will harm us. So far they have won
That’s why such a chasm in income exists
Between top executives and their employees
The chasm gets greater as their way persists
While we vote for charlatans speaking to please
Another example in front of our eyes
The stock market’s peaking around all-time highs
With miles of car lines for food to get by
And thousands of victims of plague daily die
These universe masters are hooked on their greed
For riches and power, to hell with the rest
They’ll do anything to keep feeding their need
And change all the laws to fit their greed the best
Along comes Joe Biden who promises to
Enact liberal policies, strong safety nets
Rebuild failed America, climate change too
But all that takes money, not easy to get
He’ll have to raise taxes on those who are rich
For certain they know it, the geniuses do
They’ll rise up against him, large sums in they’ll pitch
And should Biden win, they’ve got that covered too
Should Trump then reject the election results
Their stooges, Republicans, will not object
To letting Trump steal back his place by default
“To Hell with democracy!”, that I expect
So what’s our alternative, what can we do?
Raise up enough capital, outdo the rich
Increase our base turnout to heights that are new
And make this a landslide to oust Trump and Mitch
Prepare and be ready to march, to protest
In numbers unheard of throughout the U. S.
Our lawyers be ready Trump’s case to contest
And march ‘till we win; it will be our great test
Back in December of twenty nineteen
I made a prediction of Dem’s candidate
To be President, then my choice, sight unseen
Was Joseph R. Biden, ‘though they all were great
Then, back in July in the poem, Super Liners
I made a prediction who Biden would choose
To be his VP, who would make his team finer
He’d choose Kamala Harris, and that’s today’s news
It’s not that I’m prescient, perceptive, perhaps
Although all the candidates met my approval
These two, in particular, joining, we have
The best opportunity for Trump’s removal
We know Trump is using his President’s powers
Ignoring all norms, violating the laws
Suppressing the vote; all the lies Trump espouses
Out-pulling all stops in support of his cause
It promises ugly, it promises bad
Our challenge ahead of us looms large as life
The hardest election we’ll ever have had
But we’re ready now to fight Trumpean strife
Oh My!
Grassley and Johnson and Graham, oh my!
Senators taking in dirt, hoo, ha!
With false information on Joe, they try
To sully his name in the news, blah! blah!
So where are they getting this dirt, hey? hey?
Their source, a Ukrainian named Dirpach
A puppet of Putin’s, full under his sway
Shoveling excrement like it was fact
I say that it’s bad enough Putin keeps meddling
In our elections dispersing fake news
But senators swallowing what Dirpach’s peddling
Is a new Senate disgrace , in my view
The Senate is home for the weekend, oh my!
Despite no agreement on funds meant to go
To millions of desperates whose funds have run dry
We see a depression aborning, oh no!