Broken News

Yesterday John Lewis died
This poem I could not complete
The thoughts just left me, though I tried
So here’re my thoughts with some repeats

Trump’s photo ops were so important he deployed the Federal troops
To clear the crowds, to club them coldly down,
Way making for our now dictator
Like when on the escalator
Don Trump, the most important man in town,
His need to have that photo, absolute

Again in Portland Trump sent in his troops to quell the crowds
Of peaceful demonstrators, no holds barred
In camouflage with no ID
Abducting people standing free
And whisking them away in unmarked cars
That Trump supporters viewing this might feel Trump proud

Elections are but just three months away; the time does fly
The polls are shouting that Pres. Trump will lose
Already Trump claims rigged results
And voter fraud with Dems at fault
Will be why Biden voters then will choose
But Trump cannot accept a loss; his weakness clear, he’d rather die

Since Trump sends in his troops to clear the crowds for photo ops
Imagine what he’ll do as though he won
He’ll claim he’s still the one in charge
Though votes against him were quite large
Come twenty Jan. , year twenty, twenty one
He’s likely to deploy his troops the power transfer there to stop


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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