Breaking News

Trump’s photo ops were so important he deployed the Federal troops
To clear the crowds, to club them coldly down,
Way making for our now dictator
Like when on the escalator
Trump was the most important man in town,
His need to have that photo, absolute

Again in Portland Trump sent in his troops to quell the crowds
Of peaceful demonstrators, no holds barred
In camouflage with no ID
Abducting people standing free
And whisking them away in unmarked cars
That Trump supporters viewing this might feel Trump proud

While writing this, all news aside,
It was announced, John Lewis died
A man of greatness this day passed away

He nearly died at Soapstone Creek
The Edmond Petis bridge o’er spanned
He crossed with MLK against state troops
Now after John that bridge should be renamed

In Congress Lewis was a leader
All his life he fought that black lives mattered
Awarded Freedom’s Medal by Obama

A tower of righteous strength and modesty
He will be missed


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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