So Many Things To Fret About
So many things in news these days
So many things to fret about
It’s hard to choose what not to say
What of importance to leave out
For instance AG William Barr
Had EDNY, Donoghue,
Removed, so open probes that are
Involving Trump will fade from view
Another instance: Roger Stone
Convicted, soon to serve his time
His sentence was commuted, though,
By Trump for squealing not Trump’s crimes
But news that makes me fret the most
Is that this virus epidemic,
Counter to what Trump may boast,
Has reached proportions that are tragic
Three million cases now confirmed
The thousand deaths, one thirty four
“Out of control” is what is heard
“And getting worse” we’re all in for
“So, live with it” is Trump’s response
And timid governors throughout
The States take measures I’d pronounce:
Too late, too little there’s no doubt
A total shutdown is what’s needed
Now to turn the curve around
And if these warnings are not heeded
Gross thousands more will die, it’s bound