Breaking Ranks

So, when will Republicans start to break ranks
And scurry for cover as Trump drops in polls
It won’t make a difference, we all say no thanks
No thanks to you Congressmen acting like dolts

You’ve shirked your sworn duty, not keeping your oath
To hold Trump accountable, feet to the fire
No real legislation, a task that you loath
Instead you spout slogans when newsmen inquire

I mourn the demise of the once GOP
A party that stood for things, principles true
Regardless which party on top that may be
Now that’s by the wayside in what you all do

Democracy needs a strong two-party system
Debates that are knowledgeable, minds that are keen
Derived from the people, constituent wisdom
Aware of the present while knowing what’s been

I hope and expect the results in November,
Republican trouncing of epic proportions,
To spur your grand party, to kindle new embers
Of reconstitution, democracy’s fortune


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

3 thoughts on “Breaking Ranks”

  1. Great post. I particularly like how you address the ethical issues we are facing. Its makes me sad to see the ethical and moral decline of our nation. I see high hopes ahead if we get out of this period of unrest and transformation. The rest of the world will need the United States to be strong in the upcoming challenges ahead economically after the pandemic is over as we are in a lot of debt. We are a country of pioneers, creatives, scientists, and inventors. We come from the wild west and manifest destiny. If we can get our act together we can still be a global leader in helping to repair the damage that is inevitably ahead.

    1. Thanks for your thoughtful comment. “Getting our act together” may take a new generation in power. It is hard to change people’s mindset once cemented in place.

      1. Thank you for your kind response. We need to dream big to have a direction to make positive change in our country.

        2001 a space oddysey came out before we went to the moon and the Kennedy administration got us there.

        Back then, it was “ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”

        The solution goes beyond running Washington like a businesss.
        This could help the future but I believe that change is still happening today in our generation. We could take a tip from Israel’s Hand In Hand education program where Jews and Arab children grow up together and learn to listen to one another, they may not always get along but they do learn to get over their biases about culture.

        Also, we as citizens also need to take personal responsibility as well as keep looking for solutions while at the same time planting seeds for peace and conflict resolution in the future.

        We need career politicians to take personal responsibility and lead the republican party back to its moral roots. Even leaders like Former President George W. Bush and Senator Mitt Romney won’t support Mr. Trump’s re-election. Colin Powell will vote for Joe Biden, and other G.O.P. officials may do the same. There is still hope. The light at the end of the tunnel might not be a monkey with a flashlight.

        Business for good might still play a role in helping our economy but politicians that are intelligent and trained to handle the political end may need to lead as well. I think Joe Biden and Obama are doing this. They need to also be both healthcare focused, defending Obamacare from what’s left of the Supreme court, but still being mindful of the economy. The Clintons support a benefit corporation,for instance. Walden University is a benefit corporation and they were able to effectively lead at a time when we happened to have a surplus in the economy. (A benefit corporation is legally required to be good for the environment and society).

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