Damocles Sword

A question’s been bothering, I have to ask
I witness some people aren’t up to the task
In spite of disfavor in which they all bask
They show up in public not wearing a mask

It puzzles me, he who walks freely, face bear
Devoid of some cloth nose-to-chin there to wear
While knowing the virus is found everywhere
Is it that the maskless-in-public don’t care?

Or maybe such people are just un apprised
The plague is not over in spite of Trump’s lies
That all that’s behind us; ahead are clear skies
Must keep markets rising no matter who dies

The virus is wielding Damocles sword
In ways the economy cannot afford
So scaring most citizens out of their gourd
As such the grim reaper will have the last word


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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