I and my brothers, my son and grandson
Honorably we’ve served in our nation’s armed force
Some battles we’ve lost and some battles we’ve won
And now we’ve been shamed by Pres. Trump’s vile voice
Who ordered gov. troops using force and tear gas
To clear peaceful people from Lafayette Square
Protesting the murder of George Floyd, days past
So Trump could then pose for a photo op near
Trump also announced he’ll deploy Army troops
To quell peaceful protests, each citizen’s right,
As the First Amendment provides living proof,
Commanding the soldiers, our people, to fight
As members of forces defending our nation
We’ve each sworn an oath to uphold and defend
Our country’s unique and revered Constitution
Against foreign enemies and those within
That Trump, Chief Commander, would order our soldiers
Their sworn oath, to violate, fighting our people
Shaming our nation in eyes of beholders
Reveals Trump the coward, unworthy and feeble