My Birthday
Tomorrow, twenty fourth of May, it’s eighty seven that I’ll be
I’ve witnessed in those many years high points and low of history
My uncle off to World War II; he fought the Battle of the Bulge
Experiencing the hell of war; experiences he’d not divulge
Hiroshima and Nagasaki leveled by the atom bomb
Destructive power beyond belief; the citizenry all but gone
The Holocaust, six million Jews exterminated, naked, torn
And from their graves the ancient state of Israel in blood reborn
Korean War, it never ended; Vietnam: tasting defeat
The MAD Cold War, the Berlin Wall; the Soviet regime we beat
The bonds of gravity escaped; our astronauts danced on the moon
Through Internet the world now speaks and data banks mushroom and bloom
The Information Age is now; a world of knowledge in our hands
Yet ignorance abounds rejecting science they don’t understand
We’ve now the battle of the age: the COVID-19 viral scourge
Three hundred thirty thousand dead both here and all throughout the World
It’s raging still, still taking lives; our country constitutes a third
Of world deaths, for which I blame Trump’s leadership which is absurd
I’ve witnessed thirteen presidents and though I’ve disliked things they’ve done
I did respect them, decent men, except the last, the fourteenth one
Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump