
Hydroxychloroquine, Trump’s magic remedy
Against the COVID-19 terrible infection
By taking it, there is no lasting penalty
From getting this disease it surly gives protection

That’s been Trump’s selling pitch, his message to the world
But research disagrees in many cases tested
Protection didn’t manifest plus side affects occurred
‘Twas harmful to the heart, arrhythmia contracted

But Trump then disagreed. The scientists were wrong
He didn’t trust their views, a bunch of Democrats
But still he felt belittled; he’d not just go along
He had to demonstrate that he was right, in fact

So when the epidemic reached the White House staff
Trump needed to protect himself or so he felt within
He ordered staff, all but himself, to always wear a mask
And started taking, every day, hydroxychloroquine


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

2 thoughts on “Hydroxychloroquine”

  1. I wonder why he chose not to inject a disinfectant as a guard against the virus.

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