The death toll keeps rising while Trump keeps on stumbling
His briefings to newsmen have been worse than bumbling
And meanwhile on cable his ratings are tumbling
He spoke of ingesting pure bleach
Confronted, he claimed that his words were sarcastic
But some people heeded; their fears made them drastic
To try almost anything even fantastic
They take from the President’s speech
The Trump, though buffoonish, is now truly dangerous
For cable-news programs their task is most onerous
To screen the Trump briefings correcting untruthfulness
And deadly suggestions he’d reach
Dems warned this would happen, that Trump was a threat
Remaining in office; it was a sure bet
His actions/inactions were bound to cause deaths
And, therefore they had him impeached
Reps did not convict him; they hadn’t the gumption
They turned a blind eye to Trump’s legal infractions
His clear violations of our Constitution
Now fruits of their folly they’ve reached