What’s In Store


By now you’ve heard most everything ‘bout viruses, I’d say
Corona virus, Covid-19 likely here to stay
Some act-together countries made it through the smoothest way
But others had poor leadership; that’s us, the U.S.A.

That, too, is nothing new to you; it’s where we’ve been before
With Trump our Prexy at the helm we don’t expect much more
His whole administration reeks from rot that’s at its core
So looking o’er the months to come are what I think’s in store

The market tanked ignoring measures put forth by the Fed
I don’t think it finished falling; bottom’s still some time ahead
Pelosi’s stimulus will help if it gets passed as read
But we, like Italy, will have a shortage deep of beds

As such our death rate will go up above the world’s rate
And more will be infected through incompetence, ’tis fate
It looks to me that this will last well into Autumn late
Economies around the globe it’s bound to devastate

Commercial stand still will disrupt the links producing food
Which could result in local famines here plus lack of goods
The workers who produce the food might labor as they would
Or they may say “no way Jose!” their feelings understood

It’s not a pretty picture, this, the future that I see
It need not come about this way, if leadership there’d be
The past portends the future; Trump is Trump! He’s fettered free
While we each do what we each can to keep us virus free


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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