Virus Update

This is an update on virus mishandling
We’ve now o’er a thousand known infectious cases
But having just tested five thousand, our sampling,
My guess is infections are ten times that basis

And growing by contacts geometric in scope
Each infecting two others on average they say
Our chance of containment is nil, beyond hope
And we will not know it at our testing pace

Except for facilities which will be needed
To medically care for those virally ill
It will not be long, ”plan ahead” was not heeded,
Before such facilities will all be filled

We’ve excellent doctors and virus professionals
Who’re doing their best as they cope with the chaos
That comes from our leader, unwise and irrational
Whose major concern is the market’s big sell off


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

One thought on “Virus Update”

  1. As usual, great commentary on a sad situation. The Trump administration fired the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 to cut costs. Now the economic fallout of the COV-19 cost us more than money. Health is more important. Meanwhile the media is getting political while both the Chinese and Israelis are looking for solutions. In response to the outbreak, many virtual reality companies and online learning platforms are turning to virtual solutions including telemedicine as quarantines are getting reinforced under the penalty of a misdemeanor in some states.

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