Bernie, Biden, Trump


It’s now an old-man, old-man race, Elizabeth has quit
The women all lament her absence, no diversity
But women claim majorities of voters Democratic
Who’ve chosen not to vote their sex, at least explicitly

But Warren got blown over by a Biden based tsunami
And so did Sanders feel the force of southern voters black
Super Tuesday changed the game, no erudite bonhomie
The blacks have just one thing in mind: to take this country back

To take us back to competence, trustworthiness and truth
Where we’re again respected by our allies and our foes
And crises like corona virus managed well with couth
Not like the current real disaster growing blow by blow

Trump undercuts his experts telling falsehoods right and left
We’re woefully behind on test kits and dispensing them throughout
As such we know not who’s infected, numbers we’re bereft
Or where it’s safe to gather and/or where to gather not

The net result we’re witnessing: our citizens are scared
Nations stop transporting while supply chains slow to halt
The world wide wheels of commerce winding down as though impaired
Mismanagement by Trump’s regime is partially at fault

The handling of this viral crisis by Trump’s chosen team
Highlights the urgency to get it right, our choice come next November
And why the Blacks went all for Joe, their vote a laser beam
To trounce Pres. Trump: in sheer landslides, the better to remember


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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