Trump trashed the Prayer Breakfast and his Celebration
Triumphant, vindictive hell-bent retribution
Peloci and Schiff top his enemies list
On Romney and Biden he’ll never desist
I sense in the POTUS a new found demeanor
He sees himself, now, as a full fledged dictator
Republicans heeding his every demand
He’s free now to cheat/do whatever he can
And no one can touch him, though try as they might
His words and his deeds are defined now as right
So how will this impact elections this fall?
Scheme themes of elections past, Reps. will recall
As has been the case, the Republican Party
Is known as the source of most tricks that are dirty
But now Trump can use his executive sources
And all arms of government he now enforces
To guarantee victory come next November
Democracy will become hard to remember
All this can/will happen; it will be our fate
Unless we work massively Trump to defeat