Corona Virus


Not credible, incompetent describes the Admin’s handling
Of this corona virus outbreak, this, the deadly nineteenth strain
It’s Trump’s stark lies and wishful thinking
Plus his gagging expert’s voices; so, in dark we’d all remain

Trump’s biggest worry’s the stock market, down by ten percent or more,
How it might impact the .elections. Trump: the Feds will handle it!
But there is no way to spin it; world supply-lines by the score
Can’t supply sans transportation; down because of the pandemic

Manufacturing will slow down due to lack of needed parts
Retail-item-shelves will empty not to have them filled again
World economies will slow down; GDP-change, falling charts
Likely leading to recession if incompetence remains

SARS lasted for about eight months. Six thousand victims maybe nine
Throughout the world had been infected; average deaths, some ten percent
But so far eighty thousand victims of this virus are infected
Average deaths at two percent, and it’s barely started yet

With SARS the market took a nose dive, but recovered rapidly
Too, our response was wisely handled; not like what has happened now
Trump’s blundering is costing lives and causing much anxiety
Hope for the best, but be prepared to brave the worst some way, somehow


Awkward Truths

Awkward Truths

By all indicators it’s Bernie whose leading
In counting the delegates and counting votes
He’s won the three Primaries; no one’s contesting
And looks to place high in the fourth one, I’d note

That’s not to imply that he’ll win nomination
It’s really too early that judgement to call
Plus Bernie’s anathema in much of the nation
And most older Dems. are quite certain he’d fail

But it’s not too early to face awkward truths
Should Sanders succeed to become nominee
His strongest supporters: Latinos and youth
Both groups poor on turnout; it’s their history

And, too, disappointment might hold seniors back
Meanwhile, Trump supporters will be fired up
This could mean disaster for all Democrats
With Bernie as nominee, how to beat Trump?

The answer is turnout, it’s turnout in mass
We’d have to put differences out of the way
The message is ,”Beat Trump!” It’s that first and last
To foment a groundswell of Dem. votes that day

That means we each have to volunteer too
In whatever way we can, what we have to do
To get all the Dems. to vote, raising their fears
Of having Trump President for four more years


Trump/Putin Ticket


Much that’s important today in the news
The fallout of last night’s sharp Demo. debate
And Judge Amy Jackson’s Court stunning rebuke
But dwarfing all else is democracy’s fate

As you who have doggedly followed these lines
Have witnessed Trump dictate who is to be probed
The lost independence of Justice as blind
The President donning a King’s royal robe

You’ll be not surprised that Intel’s D.N.I.
Reported to Congress that Putin’s begun
Their program again of deception and lies
Meant to rig the election so Trump will have won

But this is what’s different this time, what is new
The POTUS was angered at D.N.I.’s gall
In telling the Congress (as he needs to do)
He fired the Director. And then he installed

Rick Grinel as ‘acting’, a Trumpean supporter
Who knows naught of Intel; who’ll follow Trump’s bidding
Our Germany Ambassador and once a reporter
He’ll not be reporting what Trump wants as hidden

Especially Intel on Russian behavior
To help Trump rig/win the election next fall
Thus, Trump’s aiding Putin, his erstwhile savior
In efforts by Russia to get Trump installed

As President next on a Trump/Putin ticket
It also makes POTUS a real Russian operative
Dissolving democracy drip-it by drip-it
While Congress does nothing, impotent, insensitive


Up To Us


My poems of late have been on Bill Barr
The ghost of Roy Cohn that Trump clearly owns
Who’ll follow Trump’s bidding despite how bazaar
And use the Dep. Justice to see that it’s done

Its power is awesome there’s none can compare
Its capital Bureau of Investigation
Can start probes on anyone and anywhere
At Trump’s beck and call through Bill Barr’s subjugation

Now that the impeachment’s a thing of the past,
Audacious Congressmen tried Trump to screw,
And Senate acquittal has freed him at last –
Exact retribution’s what he has to do

And not just by whom accusations were made
But also on enemies who’ve plagued his life
Like Clinton, like Comey, like Andrew McCabe
Trump wants them in jail since they’ve caused him such strife

Since most of you know all this why the repeat?
I’d not emphasized the full gravity of
What the country now faces, the challenge to meet
Of Trump as a tyrant that rules o’er the gov.

The House is impotent, the Senate too weak
The judicial system is Justice controlled
The only things left that to power can speak
Are the Press and the people, near half of them fooled

It’s time to put hobbies and interests aside
Trump’s shredding democracy before our eyes
His actions are public he’s no need to hide
We must organize, demonstrate, Trump defy

Not wait for elections, that might be too late
With illegal powers he’ll fix their outcomes
Assuring his win, if we just sit and wait
It’s now up to us, what the country becomes


Poor Barr


The news keeps exploding ‘round Barr and his spin
The Times printed tales of Bill Barr’s interference
On numerous cases since he was sworn in
Trump’s buddies and enemies short of adherence

To law’s, norms and guidelines, where Justice is blind
Barr tipped the great scales or attempted to do so
He’s worked under cover so no one would find
That he’s  interfering; so no one would know

But Trump, as he’s done so in past revelations,
Tweeted his role in this case from afar
Involving his buddy, against regulations,
Reducing his time to be served behind bars

The fact that Trump tweeted this in public view
Bent Barr out of shape; he could not do his job
Trump was spilling the beans, so revealing the truth
Thus blowing Barr’s cover, near making him sob

Barr could lose his standing before the state bar
But that’s not Trump’s worry; Trump wants it be known
That those who would cross him he’d crush them so far
By ordering Justice to bring them on down

Barr’s job is to make all this happen for Trump
Except when it’s public that’s harder to do
Barr’ll just have to jump when Trump tells him to jump
Since Trump’s now a tyrant, a vicious one too


Bill Barr


Bill Barr once you wore quite a fine reputation
A former AG and a lawyer of merit
All that was veneer that has suffered oblation
We now see the real Barr and hardly can bear it

Where once institutions you used to protect
Now under the spell of the Trump we observe
A crass disregard where there once was respect
And neglect of the people whom you’re meant to serve

You relegate power to yourself alone
Deciding on whether a case should heard
And whom to investigate, what to condone
Where any/all actions require your word

You yesterday remanded recommendations
The case prosecutors for incarceration
Of one of Trump’s buddies in gross violation
Of Justice Department norms and its traditions

‘Twas clearly your motive to curry Trump’s favor
You’ve placed your department at Pres. Trump’s disposal
To punish his enemies, back his endeavors
No matter how lawless, there’d be no refusal

All four prosecutors resigned from the case
Protesting your action, your gross interference
The Justice Department your actions abase
Trump’s now a dictator; your letting him hence



Trump trashed the Prayer Breakfast and his Celebration
Triumphant, vindictive hell-bent retribution
Peloci and Schiff top his enemies list
On Romney and Biden he’ll never desist
I sense in the POTUS a new found demeanor
He sees himself, now, as a full fledged dictator
Republicans heeding his every demand
He’s free now to cheat/do whatever he can
And no one can touch him, though try as they might
His words and his deeds are defined now as right
So how will this impact elections this fall?
Scheme themes of elections past, Reps. will recall
As has been the case, the Republican Party
Is known as the source of most tricks that are dirty
But now Trump can use his executive sources
And all arms of government he now enforces
To guarantee victory come next November
Democracy will become hard to remember
All this can/will happen; it will be our fate
Unless we work massively Trump to defeat


A Day

A day to remember, a day to forget
A day of rejoicing, a day of regret
Pres. Trump was acquitted from being impeached
While heights of political.courage were reached
MItt Romney’s sole vote among Reps. to convict
While knowing full well how his vote would depict
Him as being a traitor to Trump and his Party
He voted his conscience, his sacred sworn duty
But Mitt’s not alone who deserve accolades
Doug Jones and Joe Manchin both dearly might pay
As vulnerable Democrats, deep red their states
They voted with Dems. for conviction, Trump’s fate
And from Arizona, now purple as sage
Sen. Sinema, chose to convict Trump this stage
But GOP Senators, heads in the sand,
Chose to acquit Trump and that’s how it stands
So now it’s our duty, Americans all
To vote Trump from office for good, come next Fall




The caucuses in Iowa excited me not much
The turnout less than was expected
Preferences their votes reflected
Won’t , in my opinion, ever win o’er Donald Trump

Pete Buttigeig and Bernie Sanders topped the Caucus choice
Sanders, as a Socialist, will lose most of the states
Pete Buttigeig will lose the Blacks and being gay will seal his fate
They’d surly lose to Trump when the electorate gives voice

E. Warren came in third, Next fall I think she’d lose
A perfect foil for nasty Trump
Who’d roast her royal on the stump
Too much a wonk and too far left for mid U.S, to choose

So that leaves Klobuchar and Biden, fifth and fourth last night
I think that Amy did quite well
Her standing rose, while Biden’s fell
She’d hold her own against Trump’s smears and slights

So what’s with Biden; where’s his fire?
I thought to beat Trump he’d be best
And be out leading all the rest
But what I see: an old man that’s too tired

As much to beat Trump is imperative
The voters seem to argue policies
Not recognizing it’s a fallacy
When winning is the only narrative

I say to Biden and Dem voters too
Let’s hear your thunder, choose one who can win
And Biden, demonstrate that truly you’re the one
To win, restoring sanity, this nation to renew
