The Women’s March


We marched the Tucson Women’s March
It was a lovely day in Fall
All ages, sexes doing their part
To tell the world why Trump must fail

A lot of chants and clever signs
Some signs that even made me blush
The thousands of us, ‘twas our time
To stand, be counted, not be hushed

Important as all that may seem
To let the world know where we stand
On women’s rights, progressive themes
And, too, against Trump’s lawless hands

We will not win, November third
On policies, on brave new worlds
Pres. Trump plus all his cultish herd
Will make us fools for our brave words

We must instead, make no mistake,
At every chance, with every breath
Renounce Trump, a disastrous fake
Who’ll crush democracy to death

And all resources we can bring
We concentrate where need is dear
Those fifteen states or so in swing
Else we’ll have Trump for four more years


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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