
Lev Parnas has just blown wide open the trial
In Rachel M’s interview Lev spilled the beans
Since he was the hit man enacting Trump’s guile
His new revelations make likely, it seems

Trump’s trial will have witnesses to the chagrin
Of Senate Republicans, namely one Mitch
The impeachment trial of Trump did begin
Today with solemnity that it befit

We learned from Lev Parnas, presuming truth plain
That all of Trump’s top tier conspired with him
Since early last Spring to extort from Ukraine
A public announcement to do Biden in

Well, now Trump’s on trial where the Senate decides
To convict, yea or nay; it will likely be nay
But all that’s been learned, what the President tried
Will fuel his defeat next November we pray


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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