

Professor Alan Dershowitz was Trump’s best lawyer in the well
He gave the Senate GOP excuse for justice to suppress
False cover for them no to vote for witnesses on oath to tell
The truth of how the President has made impeachment come to pass

John Bolton as a factual witness could relate his interactions
He and Trump in conversation as he’s written in his book
That Trump is freezing funds until Ukraine begins investigations
Of the Bidens, making Joe, through the elections, guilty look

The Dershowitz interpretation of the Constitution’s clause
Says the President’s empowered to do anything that he desires
As long as it is for the nation’s good; now here’s the flaw:
Since any thing Trump wants to do he deems that being good requires

The President can’t be impeached for doing what he claims is good –
Is good for Trump, since Trump believes he and the nation are the same
That makes him King as Dershowitz’s Constitution’s understood
And our republic after centuries becomes republic just in name


Trump’s Trial


We’ve all been watching as we can
The trial of Trump who’s been impeached
Where a decision will be reached
Of whether Trump will soon be canned

I know that no one thinks he will
In spite of what we heard these days
The brilliant arguments to sway
Republicans there on the Hill

Although House managers excelled
One man stood well above the rest
‘Twas Adam Schiff, I’m sure you’ve guessed
His rhetoric made my heart swell

Be that as may, Republicans
Will most ignore Schiff’s narrative
And heed Trump’s first imperative
For loyalty and discipline

For witnesses they’ll most vote no
With minds made up before the trial
For them the truth is not in style
Acquit the Trump then they can go

What precedent would this trial set?
That POTUS is above the law
And Congress weakened by this flaw
With consequences unknown yet


Persuadable Senators

I rarely make postings that are not political poems, but impeachment deserves a fair trial with witnesses and documented evidence.
These are the Senators most likely to vote for witnesses in the President’s impeachment trial. They could use some encouragement from constituents. Thanks, Nancy, for the information.
@SenatorCollins 202-224-2523
@SenatorRomney -224-5251
@SenAlexander -224-4944
@LisaMurkowski -224-6665
@SenCoryGardner -224-5941
@SenatorBurr -224-3154
@SenMcSallyAZ -224-2235

The Women’s March


We marched the Tucson Women’s March
It was a lovely day in Fall
All ages, sexes doing their part
To tell the world why Trump must fail

A lot of chants and clever signs
Some signs that even made me blush
The thousands of us, ‘twas our time
To stand, be counted, not be hushed

Important as all that may seem
To let the world know where we stand
On women’s rights, progressive themes
And, too, against Trump’s lawless hands

We will not win, November third
On policies, on brave new worlds
Pres. Trump plus all his cultish herd
Will make us fools for our brave words

We must instead, make no mistake,
At every chance, with every breath
Renounce Trump, a disastrous fake
Who’ll crush democracy to death

And all resources we can bring
We concentrate where need is dear
Those fifteen states or so in swing
Else we’ll have Trump for four more years



Lev Parnas has just blown wide open the trial
In Rachel M’s interview Lev spilled the beans
Since he was the hit man enacting Trump’s guile
His new revelations make likely, it seems

Trump’s trial will have witnesses to the chagrin
Of Senate Republicans, namely one Mitch
The impeachment trial of Trump did begin
Today with solemnity that it befit

We learned from Lev Parnas, presuming truth plain
That all of Trump’s top tier conspired with him
Since early last Spring to extort from Ukraine
A public announcement to do Biden in

Well, now Trump’s on trial where the Senate decides
To convict, yea or nay; it will likely be nay
But all that’s been learned, what the President tried
Will fuel his defeat next November we pray


Fancy Bear Again


Fancy Bear, Fancy Bear at it again
Just like they hacked us some three years back then
This time they phished an Ukrainian server
Fishing, on Biden, some dirt to discover

Clearly the same Russian Army’s key hackers
Who massively stole Emails from the Dem. Party
And dumped them through Wikileaks helping Trump backers
And skewing results against Clinton, for starters

The fact that they’re acting in clear, open daylight
No fear of U.S. retribution in sight
We didn’t the last time, we put up no fight
They feel free to hack us as though it’s their right

And if they can’t find any dirt on the Biden’s
Hacking the servers in distant Ukraine
They’ll plant their own Biden dirt there for the finding
At some later date causing chaos to reign

It’s up to the States and the Counties and precincts
To counter the Russian planned cyber warfare
In favor of Trump and which Trump needs, he thinks
To win 2020; he’ll welcome them there


One Seven Six

One seven six souls, Trump’s blunder, now dead
Shot down accidentally; Iran’s air defenses
Expecting a U.S. response in sheer dread
On having launched missiles against U.S. bases

Trump’s blunder was voiding the nuclear deal
Agreed with Iran which Obama made fact
Trump sanctioned them too, backing them on their heels
Which led to this cycle of act, counter act

The nuclear deal, had Trump not ever dumped it
Those one seven six likely would still be living
Their blood’s on his hands, much as he would deny it
And, too, the war tension that we are all feeling




A bolt from John Bolton like out of the blue
He stated he’d testify before the Senate
He changed his position on what he would do:
Refused for House hearings to bear witness in it

The question is why; what might be Bolton’s motive?
Although Trump’s big blunder may make war come true
It’s what Bolton wished for for many years over
But doubts Trump is able the war to pursue

John’s straight testimony could be a game changer
He says he’s got data Trump’s guilt to uncover
Trump as the Commander-in-Chief is a danger
It’s best to convict him and have Pence take over

We really know nothing, it’s all speculation
Bazar as it is, it is making the rounds
And then there’s John’s book deal, his new revelations
Which must pass inspection, no secrets be found

The admin could stall and could force much redaction
But if it’s made public because of Trump’s trial
They’ve no leg to stand on; they’re left with inaction
Plus, great John’s publicity; he’d be in style

It’s clear Trump hip-shot this as overreaction
By killing Soleimani he started a war
He threatens war crimes for Iran’s retribution
John’s data may be what we’ve all waited for




I’m glued to the TV watching WW III
What could be its very likely beginning
We just committed an act of war
Against Iran; we’re now in for
More escalation with no one winning
Reprisals back and forth we’ll see

Trump, to create a massive diversion,
Directed a strike in Baghdad, Iraq
To kill Soleimani, the head of Quds Force,
Iranian second in power, the source
In the area of terror attacks
Killing Americans throughout the region

Qasem Soleimani was highly revered
By Shiites throughout the local states
He’s been immune from assassination
Fearing reprisals against our nation
He’s not been a target, the risk was too great
‘Though opportunities there always were

But Trump in his wisdom in need of diversion
Decided to kill Soleimani out right
No notice to Congress, the key Gang of Eight
Nor did Congress authorize Soleimani’s fate
Trump has no idea what might be in sight
How, what, when and where will come retaliation

Force begets more force toward.war escalation
Death begets more death, each sides’ retribution
In over responses, increased provocations
The only solution is negotiation
