Discussing Impeachment


Thanksgiving gave me ample opportunity
To listen and respond to friends and family
Who disagree with me, my views, politically
Which opened up a window as to how they see
The hearings on impeachment of the President
Conducted all last week, the way the hearings went
Their knowledge and their ignorance, opinions strong
Embracing false conspiracies all proven wrong
Or voicing fuzzy arguments, quite inconsistent
As well accusing others in defense persistent
As if whatever others may or not have done
Has bearing whether truly Trump’s the guilty one

One thoughtful lawyer, honored relative of mine
Whom I respect as serious and keen of mind
Who paid attention to the hearings as he could
Not favoring the President is where he stood
He did agree that what Trump did was clearly wrong
Admitting that the evidence revealed was strong
But insufficient to impeach the President
Too drastic for the crime, his only argument
I asked what then he thought would be impeachable
He couldn’t answer – no response was reachable
It is the House’s sole responsibility
To make such judgements heavy though they be
