

A brouhaha is brewing over these weeks of vacation
It’s Hanukkah and Christmas followed by next year anew
Before I’m back to politics: to you and your relations
I wish you joy these holidays and heart-felt Love that’s true

The brew that I’m referring to is Nancy’s feud with Mitch
About impeachment articles, their disposition’s fate
It’s when and what the circumstances needed under which
Their transfer to the Senate for the trial will take place

Pelosi wants to know the rules; how will the trial be run?
Will documents and witnesses for both sides be allowed
Or will their be just presentations, chick-chock then it’s done?
It’s will the trial be genuine or fake and smelling foul

How long can Nancy still hold out; what does she gain or lose?
Republicans are claiming that she’s holding out of fear
But Nancy’s not afraid; she plays her politics quite close
There’s nothing stopping her from holding out for all next year

Since after all McConnell kept Judge Garland’s hearing’s then
To be a Justice of the Court Supreme throughout the land
From taking place a year or more against all precedent
Thus Nancy would be in her right if she took such a stand

The witnesses especially the Dems would want to bring
We’re in Trump’s inner circle, so the truth they could relate
I’m sure if any could thus say exculpatory things
The Reps would, in a heart beat, push them to participate

So fear is with Republicans, such truths they can’t permit
They want a trial that’s not a trial, a mocking exercise
Impartiality be damned; with fingers crossed to whit
They’ll take the oath of jurors, justice meeting its demise

Unless the Senate comes around and chooses to abide
It’s mandate Constitutional to hold a trial that’s real
There is no strong incentive; let the articles reside
With Nancy ‘till Republicans prepare in truth to deal


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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