A Rigged Result

Judiciary passed impeachment articles
Obstructing Congress and abuse-of-power
Republicans opposed in ways fanatical
These articles left both sides feeling dour

Presuming that the House will do the same
And take the final vote the Pres. to see
Indelibly ‘impeached’ tacked to his name
Next, Senate judges what Trump’s fate will be

McConnell said that he and Trump agree
On rules to govern how Trump’s trial will go
This goes against impartiality
Who makes the rules, the outcome he’ll control

If Mitch succeeds in rigging trial rules
To favor Trump: conviction’s not his fate
A move that’d make Mitch out to be a fool
A rigged result won’t Trump exonerate


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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