

The book by anonymous is worth the read
He/She’s staunch Republican, there is no doubt
Observing the President, this book’s about,
As viewed from within, Donald’s words, Donald’s deeds

The book’s anonymity off-puts some people
If one’s so dissatisfied one should resign
The fact one is hiding shows weakness of spine
Be all that as may, the book’s contents’ aren’t feeble

I’ll not, here, review the book; rather I’ll focus
On what he/she wrote about Trumpian addiction
By many Republicans voicing Trump’s fictions
While knowing they’re Trump’s typical hocus-pocus

As such, Trump Apologists come in two flavors:
The first are the Sycophants, Trump true believers
The second are labeled Trump’s Silent Abettors
Both publicly praise him and curry his favor

But what’s the attraction, what binding toxicity?
It’s Power, it’s Fear, and it’s Tribal group loyalty
Sycophants discount Trump’s constant inanities
Stature and access they gain by proximity

But worse are Abettors who know right from wrong
Ignoring their ethics for temporal gain
It’s in their self interest to not Trump disdain
For fear of reprisals; Trump’s venom is strong

At besting Republicans Trump has succeeded
This may be the start of the Party’s demise
Should Trump win it’s likely democracy dies
As such it’s imperative Trump be defeated

He/She ends the book with a plea to the Dems
To put forth a candidate for this election
That anti-Trump Reps could make as their selection
Not one that is viewed as too far to the left


The Horse Race

The Horse Race

I like all the candidates; each could beat Trump
Some more so than others, but all would do well
But that’s insufficient
And ‘though I’m not prescient
The win must be massive, which outcome will tell
If Congress can pass laws or watch them be dumped

Which candidate would most the Party enhance
Causing more down-ballot Democrat wins
To regain the Senate
Near sixty votes in it
So now before Iowa’s caucus begins
I’ll share what I think on top candidate’s chance

Pete Buttigeig: qualities I like the most
He held well his own on stage in the debates
He’s youthful and brilliant
He’s sharp and resilient
So normally high would be how he would rate
But, since he is gay, he would lose many votes

E. Warren I’d choose for her “I’ve got a plan”
She’s strong, she’s exciting, her rallies are great
Her style is aggressive
Her outlook progressive
But turns off most middle American states
She’d win but the Senate might barely change hands

Bernie’s the Socialist he’s always been
His following’s loyal; they’ll always be there
His programs progressive
‘Bout which he’s obsessive
O’er Trump he could win but with few votes to spare
I’ll not vote for Bernie, I doubt if he’ll win

My vote is with Biden; his chances are best
To garner the largest majority win
He’s liked; he is peerless
He’s honest and fearless
Trump fears him, the source of the pickle Trump’s in
And Biden, I think, will defeat all the rest




A brouhaha is brewing over these weeks of vacation
It’s Hanukkah and Christmas followed by next year anew
Before I’m back to politics: to you and your relations
I wish you joy these holidays and heart-felt Love that’s true

The brew that I’m referring to is Nancy’s feud with Mitch
About impeachment articles, their disposition’s fate
It’s when and what the circumstances needed under which
Their transfer to the Senate for the trial will take place

Pelosi wants to know the rules; how will the trial be run?
Will documents and witnesses for both sides be allowed
Or will their be just presentations, chick-chock then it’s done?
It’s will the trial be genuine or fake and smelling foul

How long can Nancy still hold out; what does she gain or lose?
Republicans are claiming that she’s holding out of fear
But Nancy’s not afraid; she plays her politics quite close
There’s nothing stopping her from holding out for all next year

Since after all McConnell kept Judge Garland’s hearing’s then
To be a Justice of the Court Supreme throughout the land
From taking place a year or more against all precedent
Thus Nancy would be in her right if she took such a stand

The witnesses especially the Dems would want to bring
We’re in Trump’s inner circle, so the truth they could relate
I’m sure if any could thus say exculpatory things
The Reps would, in a heart beat, push them to participate

So fear is with Republicans, such truths they can’t permit
They want a trial that’s not a trial, a mocking exercise
Impartiality be damned; with fingers crossed to whit
They’ll take the oath of jurors, justice meeting its demise

Unless the Senate comes around and chooses to abide
It’s mandate Constitutional to hold a trial that’s real
There is no strong incentive; let the articles reside
With Nancy ‘till Republicans prepare in truth to deal




Historic? Yes! Expected? Yes, our sense
Trump’s phone call, when revealed
About three months ago
Was obviously so
A crooked Donald deal
Left little in suspense

Just two impeachment articles were drawn

Both articles were ‘yea’ with margins wide
Votes cast on Party lines
Defections were quite few
Pres. power Trump abused
Obstructed oversight
Nor laws did he abide

Trump loudly claims that he did nothing wrong

The Senate next convicts him or acquits
McConnell wants a sham
A trial that is unfair
Of precedent no care
And witnesses be damned
A trial that won’t convict

But Nancy still wields power very strong

She can withhold the formal House results
From Senators until
McConnell guarantees
The trial will fairness be
With witnesses who will
Be under oath sans faults

A full-blown trial whose outcome’s not fore gone


17 December, 2019

Impeachment Eve, henceforth this day will be
The House in harsh, cacophonous debate
Established how tomorrow’s vote proceeds
To impeach Trump on that auspicious date

It does appear that Nancy has enough
Of votes by Dems to pass with votes to spare
I doubt that any Rep will vote as such
Enslaved by Trump; reacting out of fear

The facts are clear; Trump’s actions warrant this
No one disputed them in Trump’s defense
Trump left no choice, the House would be remiss
But it will set a painful precedent

Impeachment by one Party could be used
To oust a President for mere disputes
O’er policies; inflicting gross abuse
Against the Constitution’s institute

But not impeaching Trump would be much worse
He acts as though above the law is he
Ignoring such puts history in reverse
Returning to despotic monarchy


A Rigged Result

Judiciary passed impeachment articles
Obstructing Congress and abuse-of-power
Republicans opposed in ways fanatical
These articles left both sides feeling dour

Presuming that the House will do the same
And take the final vote the Pres. to see
Indelibly ‘impeached’ tacked to his name
Next, Senate judges what Trump’s fate will be

McConnell said that he and Trump agree
On rules to govern how Trump’s trial will go
This goes against impartiality
Who makes the rules, the outcome he’ll control

If Mitch succeeds in rigging trial rules
To favor Trump: conviction’s not his fate
A move that’d make Mitch out to be a fool
A rigged result won’t Trump exonerate


Impeachment Articles


Two impeachment articles were publicized today
Impeaching D. J. Trump; the articles were very clear,
Concise and accurate in everything they had to say
While both concern misdeeds there’s one that most I fear

Abuse of presidential power dealing with Ukraine
Resorting to extortion holding back essential aid
Endangering security all for election gain
As serious as is, of number two I’m most afraid

Trump’s deeds that birthed these articles, in context must be seen
That ever since elected Trump has trampled on his oath
Impeachable offenses by the dozens it would seem
For which he’s paid no price; Republicans are in his boat

Of all of these it’s number two I feel’s the worst offense
It is obstructing Congress whose subpoenas we’re denied
By order of the President impeding evidence
To render as impossible the House’s oversight

If oversight by Congress can be thwarted in this way
All Presidents will have free reign in what they want to do
Including the first article, elections, thus, to sway
They will become dictators; our republic will be through


Impeachment Trial


What is at stake?  What outcomes are most probable?
Since certainly the President will be impeached
The Senate, for the trial, will be responsible
Republicans will lead on all decisions reached

The facts are uncontested by Republicans
Pres. Trump demanded ‘favors’ for Trump’s benefit
Zelensky must comply before Trump lifts the ban
On military aid Ukraine was meant to get

Surrounding this, related acts impeachable
Will be included in the articles put forth
For voting by the House, consensus reachable
How will the Senate act? Their oath: its worth?

A non conviction for the future will imply
By virtue of a non-conviction’s precedent
That foreigners could meddle with impunity
To influence elections of our presidents

And presidents could, too, ignore subpoenas sent
By Congress as their duty in their oversight
Like kings, above the law will be all Presidents
Obstructing justice, wielding presidential might

I wonder if Republicans have thought this through
The consequences of acquittal, future risks
Or will they dumbly vote as Trump would have them do
In subjugation to Trump’s will; they can’t resist


Speaker Nancy


Have you been following events of late?
Judiciary hearings, hardly dull at all
The law professors’ testimonies sealed Trump’s fate
As clear a recitation ever I recall

Of Constitution wisdoms, what the drafters thought
And how they, like a glove, apply today to Trump
His scandalous behaviors like his ‘favor’ sought,
Withholding designated military funds

It’s certain now as Speaker Nancy said today
Impeachment articles will be forthcoming soon
The House will likely vote before the Holidays
And Donald Trump will be impeached when this is done

Most pundits think three articles will be Trump’s bane
Abuse of power, holding back the military aid
Attempts by Trump to bribe Ukraine for his own gain
Obstructing justice by refusing all subpoenas made

The Speaker pointed out today with eloquence
This action’s in response not to Trump’s policies
On most she clearly disagrees with vehemence
The place for judgments such is at elections free

This action has the Constitution at its core
Trump’s oath of office violated by his acts
Nobody is above the law, all stand before
Trump must be held accountable; that’s where she’s at
