Abu Baker al-Baghdadi


A late-night raid by Delta Force
In Syria, the Idlib region
Killed al-Baghdadi and, of course
Trump takes full credit; he’s the reason
That the raid was a success
In fact he made things more a mess

Some time ago within Iraq
An ISIS senior, al-Ethawi
Captured, he provided facts
On how to follow al-Baghdadi
Iraq informed the CIA
Who, with the Kurds learned all his ways

The raid was planned for some late date
But Trump threw in a monkey wrench
He ordered troops to leave in haste
Betraying Kurds, creating stench
Our troops were, thus, forced to resort
To action, ere they lost support

The new plan, far more dangerous
Okayed by Trump, a risky choice
With elements quite onerous
The President had given voice
The Delta Force so valiantly
Pulled off the raid most brilliantly

Baghdadi at a tunnel’s end
Explosive vest he detonated
A message, thus, the world was sent
Such evil won’t be tolerated
Although the Calif now is gone
ISIS intends to carry on

So Intel still is necessary
Intel needs to nose around
But now the Kurds of us are wary
We’ve no friends left on the ground
Trump still will do his victory dance
But danger’s increased by his stance


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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