It now appears quite certain Trump’s impeachment will take place
The House has heard from witnesses corroborating all
That Trump revealed back in July in making that phone call
Requesting that Ukraine dig dirt, Joe Biden to disgrace
But now the cast of characters has broadened quite a bit
There’s Rudy and his cohorts, Lev and Igor, Mike as well
As Chair of State, Pompeo knew but tried hard not to tell
The scheme for months was brewing setting up Trump’s fateful pitch
Trump ordered non cooperation by subpoenaed staff
Pompeo did the same as did the DoD reply
But then courageous civil servants orders did defy
And showed up for their depositions weathering Trump’s wrath
Pelosi’s scheme is keep it simple: Trump misused his power
This prime impeachment article all focused on Ukraine
Will cover every aspect: breaking laws so he could gain
‘Twill tell the public such that all the truth will come through louder
Pelosi’s aim impeaching Trump, her deep desire for justice,
To make the case persuasive so the public comes on board
And Grand-Old-Party senators’ constituents be heard:
The Senate, then, convicts Pres. Trump, removing him from office