

Trump’s actions affect me, some more so than others
But seldom do I get as upset as this
With some I say Trump’s being Trump so why bother
But this time I find that I really am pissed

My brothers and I plus my son and grandson
Served years in the Service, proud time we put in
For forty some years, starting when I was young
I worked with the Army to strengthen within

I disagreed sometimes with tasks they were given
But never were they to dishonor themselves
Until Trump, their Chief, who’s politically driven
Made soldiers act shamefully, hurtfully felt

Five years fighting ISIS with Kurds side by side
Together, heroically winning back land
They defeated ISIS ‘though many Kurds died
The Kurds earned our gratitude, our helping hand

We’d promised assistance, we’d promised defense
Our small presence there had kept Turkey at bay
Who wanted the land of the Kurds ethnic cleansed
Of all Kurdish people if Turks had their way

Trump phone-spoke with Erdogan, Presidictator
Of the demockery, Turkey’s new face
No one knows why Trump behaved like a traitor
And ordered our troops to withdraw back to base

Giving the Turks a green light to advance
Abandoning our Kurdish friends; his retraction
Thus, causing our allies to view us askance
And Congress, in mass, condemned Trump in reaction

Now Syria, Russia and even Iran
Are filling the void left by our Army’s absence
The Kurds are accepting all help where they can
And jailed ISIS fighters are fleeing their prisons

Our troops will be leaving; their heads held in shame
Because their Commander-in-Chief has no clue
Of how to conduct foreign affairs; he’s to blame
We must get him out and elect someone new


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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