Hunter and Joe
Much news about Hunter and Joe this past week
The President’s mantra on cable and tweets
That Joe was corrupt when he dealt with Ukraine
To favor son Hunter’s large personal gain
Trump knows that repeating a lie many times
Will foster belief Joe committed a crime
Requesting Ukraine to create trumped up proof
‘Twill be his undoing; Trump clearly did goof
But what really happened with Hunter and Joe?
These facts I have gleaned from the ones in the know
Reported in WAPO, the Times and Atlantic
Meanwhile Trump is acting as though in a panic
In twenty fourteen in Ukraine there was turmoil
Burisma, producer of gas and crude oil
Was being examined for blatant corruption
The Chief Prosecutor was causing disruption
But Shokin, himself, was corrupt through and through
Ukrainians, U.S., IMF and E.U.
All wanted him out; Biden let Ukraine know
That their loan guarantees would be held until so
Along about then Biden’s son was invited
To be on the board of Burisma, entitled
To be compensated five-oh grand per month
Young Hunter agreed; he’d been down in the dumps
Unlike big brother, Beau, sterling fellow he wasn’t
Black sheep of the family his life less than pleasant
Like many offspring of well known politicians
He traded Joe’s fame to obtain good positions
Joe walled off himself from his son’s business dealings
They weren’t his business, no matter his feelings
But here’s where I posit that Joe failed the smell test
Joe’s actions appeared like a conflict of interest
‘Though no law was broken by Joe or by Hunter
There’s just enough there there for people down under
To gin up conspiracies for Trump to tweet
But this time they backfired with Trump taking heat
Be that as it may, whether Trump is impeached
Trump’s Biden attacks many voters they’ve reached
Reducing Joe’s chances to win at the polls
Accomplishing one of Trump’s primary goals