Mike Pompeo


Not stupid is Mike, Trump’s Dep. State Secretary
A grad of West Point and of Harvard law school
A former Director of Central Intelligence
Also a right leaning member of Congress
So clearly Pompeo is nobody’s fool
You’d think joining Trump, of it he would be wary

But Mike is ambitious politically so
He sees in his future vice presidency
And then on as President following Trump
Toward what might advance his agenda he’ll jump
He’ll put up with Trump’s blatant idiocies
And where Trump will take him he’ll willingly go

But Trump has the opposite of Midas touch
Whoever works with him is snared in his cult
Of lawless corruption throughout all his days
Corruption is catchy in so many ways
A subtle transition not realizing fault
Until it’s too late, you’re corrupted as such

We’ve talked of the phone call, July twenty fifth
Between the two presidents, Trump and Zelensky
Where Trump used extortion against the Ukraine
By withholding money for armaments aid
To counter their Soviet occupancy
Until they, on Biden provided false filth

It turns out Pompeo sat in on the call
But kept that news secret from Congress and Press
Then WAPO found out and reported the truth
That Mike was a witness although he was mute
So far he’s avoided their questions when pressed
Nor has he denied that he listened to all

Not stupid is Mike, he most surely did know
That Trump’s conversation was counter to law
And surly would be an offense most impeachable
Yet he said nothing, Itself reprehensible
Painting him party to Trump’s legal flaws
And sullied his future, politically so


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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