Historic Vote


Two-three-two to one-nine-six
The House Dems. passed a bill today
Impeachment hearings will continue
The bill laid out the hearings venue
With both sides having equal say
The Reps, although, are in a fix

They voted nay, each every one
Implying Trump’s unlawful acts
And thwarting of the Constitution
Are okay, no retribution
Ignoring truth, ignoring facts
Who will they be when this is done?

That Trump will be impeached is clear
By Dems. alone if that need be
And history will be on their side
The Senate’s role’s, then, to decide
They’ll take their task more seriously
Convict, acquit – they’ll vote with fear

Conviction seems unlikely, though
No matter all the evidence
It takes two-thirds majority
The Dems. are a minority
Trump’s base is blind, of little sense
It’s up to us on how ‘twill go


Abu Baker al-Baghdadi


A late-night raid by Delta Force
In Syria, the Idlib region
Killed al-Baghdadi and, of course
Trump takes full credit; he’s the reason
That the raid was a success
In fact he made things more a mess

Some time ago within Iraq
An ISIS senior, al-Ethawi
Captured, he provided facts
On how to follow al-Baghdadi
Iraq informed the CIA
Who, with the Kurds learned all his ways

The raid was planned for some late date
But Trump threw in a monkey wrench
He ordered troops to leave in haste
Betraying Kurds, creating stench
Our troops were, thus, forced to resort
To action, ere they lost support

The new plan, far more dangerous
Okayed by Trump, a risky choice
With elements quite onerous
The President had given voice
The Delta Force so valiantly
Pulled off the raid most brilliantly

Baghdadi at a tunnel’s end
Explosive vest he detonated
A message, thus, the world was sent
Such evil won’t be tolerated
Although the Calif now is gone
ISIS intends to carry on

So Intel still is necessary
Intel needs to nose around
But now the Kurds of us are wary
We’ve no friends left on the ground
Trump still will do his victory dance
But danger’s increased by his stance


The Duel Revisited


Old Eugene Field described “The Duel”
Told by the plate, who was no fool
The Chinese plate and old Dutch clock
Both witnessed all and then took stock
Like gingham dog and calico cat
Who side by side on table sat
Next morning where the two had sat
They found no trace of dog or cat
The truth about the cat and pup
Is that they ate each other up

Why’s that important so today?
The gingham dog’s the DOJ
Which also is the calico cat
It’s where the AG, Barr, is at
His inquiry on the origin
Of probing Russia’s meddling
He’s classified as criminal
With evidence that’s minimal
Trump feels it is empowering:
Dep. Justice self devouring


Trump’s Impeachment


It now appears quite certain Trump’s impeachment will take place
The House has heard from witnesses corroborating all
That Trump revealed back in July in making that phone call
Requesting that Ukraine dig dirt, Joe Biden to disgrace

But now the cast of characters has broadened quite a bit
There’s Rudy and his cohorts, Lev and Igor, Mike as well
As Chair of State, Pompeo knew but tried hard not to tell
The scheme for months was brewing setting up Trump’s fateful pitch

Trump ordered non cooperation by subpoenaed staff
Pompeo did the same as did the DoD reply
But then courageous civil servants orders did defy
And showed up for their depositions weathering Trump’s wrath

Pelosi’s scheme is keep it simple: Trump misused his power
This prime impeachment article all focused on Ukraine
Will cover every aspect: breaking laws so he could gain
‘Twill tell the public such that all the truth will come through louder

Pelosi’s aim impeaching Trump, her deep desire for justice,
To make the case persuasive so the public comes on board
And Grand-Old-Party senators’ constituents be heard:
The Senate, then, convicts Pres. Trump, removing him from office



Elijah Cummings died today, a moral giant man
As chairman of the House committee: Oversight, Reform,
He led the fight for voting rights; injustice he’d not stand
Our country’s suffered a great loss; our fortune he was born

The sordid tales of Trump’s malfeasance dominate and grow
With each new witness testimony Trump’s impeachment strengthens
Today Mulvaney spilled the beans admitting quid pro quo
And Trump chose his resort to host next meetings of G7

Pompeo and Mike Pence with Turks agreed, with hat in hand
The Turks would pause their full offensive for the next five days
To give the Kurds some time to flee before Turks took their land
And in return we’d lift the sanctions and we’d end our stay

Trump hailed this deal as victory; the Kurds he denigrated
And cavalier his attitude: for deaths he bears no blame
Republicans and Democrats, Trump’s actions both berated
Trump shamed and weakened the U.S. while Putin vastly gained




Trump’s actions affect me, some more so than others
But seldom do I get as upset as this
With some I say Trump’s being Trump so why bother
But this time I find that I really am pissed

My brothers and I plus my son and grandson
Served years in the Service, proud time we put in
For forty some years, starting when I was young
I worked with the Army to strengthen within

I disagreed sometimes with tasks they were given
But never were they to dishonor themselves
Until Trump, their Chief, who’s politically driven
Made soldiers act shamefully, hurtfully felt

Five years fighting ISIS with Kurds side by side
Together, heroically winning back land
They defeated ISIS ‘though many Kurds died
The Kurds earned our gratitude, our helping hand

We’d promised assistance, we’d promised defense
Our small presence there had kept Turkey at bay
Who wanted the land of the Kurds ethnic cleansed
Of all Kurdish people if Turks had their way

Trump phone-spoke with Erdogan, Presidictator
Of the demockery, Turkey’s new face
No one knows why Trump behaved like a traitor
And ordered our troops to withdraw back to base

Giving the Turks a green light to advance
Abandoning our Kurdish friends; his retraction
Thus, causing our allies to view us askance
And Congress, in mass, condemned Trump in reaction

Now Syria, Russia and even Iran
Are filling the void left by our Army’s absence
The Kurds are accepting all help where they can
And jailed ISIS fighters are fleeing their prisons

Our troops will be leaving; their heads held in shame
Because their Commander-in-Chief has no clue
Of how to conduct foreign affairs; he’s to blame
We must get him out and elect someone new


Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans

The flood gates have opened much news coming through
Ukraine scandal growing each hour, it seems
A voting majority wants Trump removed
Impeached and convicted, what Fox pollsters deemed

It’s clear, in due time that Trump will be impeached
As due-time approaches that number will grow
Some sixty percent, what I think will be reached
That Trump’s unfit for office the voters all know

Just what will the Senate Republicans do?
Observing Trump numbers diminish with time
The ones most in jeopardy clearly will stew
Damned yea-ing, damned nay-ing; can’t make up their mind

And what of the rest as they watch this unfold?
Just how will they vote when the chair calls their name?
For their Constitution they swore to uphold
Or for Trump’s acquittal and suffer the shame?

Hand-writing, I posit, they’ll see on the wall
Who still have some conscience, if even a shred
And vote to convict, with intent after all
Not to stay in the Senate; to resign by next Fall


Hunter and Joe

Hunter and Joe

Much news about Hunter and Joe this past week
The President’s mantra on cable and tweets
That Joe was corrupt when he dealt with Ukraine
To favor son Hunter’s large personal gain

Trump knows that repeating a lie many times
Will foster belief Joe committed a crime
Requesting Ukraine to create trumped up proof
‘Twill be his undoing; Trump clearly did goof

But what really happened with Hunter and Joe?
These facts I have gleaned from the ones in the know
Reported in WAPO, the Times and Atlantic
Meanwhile Trump is acting as though in a panic

In twenty fourteen in Ukraine there was turmoil
Burisma, producer of gas and crude oil
Was being examined for blatant corruption
The Chief Prosecutor was causing disruption

But Shokin, himself, was corrupt through and through
Ukrainians, U.S., IMF and E.U.
All wanted him out; Biden let Ukraine know
That their loan guarantees would be held until so

Along about then Biden’s son was invited
To be on the board of Burisma, entitled
To be compensated five-oh grand per month
Young Hunter agreed; he’d been down in the dumps

Unlike big brother, Beau, sterling fellow he wasn’t
Black sheep of the family his life less than pleasant
Like many offspring of well known politicians
He traded Joe’s fame to obtain good positions

Joe walled off himself from his son’s business dealings
They weren’t his business, no matter his feelings
But here’s where I posit that Joe failed the smell test
Joe’s actions appeared like a conflict of interest

‘Though no law was broken by Joe or by Hunter
There’s just enough there there for people down under
To gin up conspiracies for Trump to tweet
But this time they backfired with Trump taking heat

Be that as it may, whether Trump is impeached
Trump’s Biden attacks many voters they’ve reached
Reducing Joe’s chances to win at the polls
Accomplishing one of Trump’s primary goals


Mike Pompeo


Not stupid is Mike, Trump’s Dep. State Secretary
A grad of West Point and of Harvard law school
A former Director of Central Intelligence
Also a right leaning member of Congress
So clearly Pompeo is nobody’s fool
You’d think joining Trump, of it he would be wary

But Mike is ambitious politically so
He sees in his future vice presidency
And then on as President following Trump
Toward what might advance his agenda he’ll jump
He’ll put up with Trump’s blatant idiocies
And where Trump will take him he’ll willingly go

But Trump has the opposite of Midas touch
Whoever works with him is snared in his cult
Of lawless corruption throughout all his days
Corruption is catchy in so many ways
A subtle transition not realizing fault
Until it’s too late, you’re corrupted as such

We’ve talked of the phone call, July twenty fifth
Between the two presidents, Trump and Zelensky
Where Trump used extortion against the Ukraine
By withholding money for armaments aid
To counter their Soviet occupancy
Until they, on Biden provided false filth

It turns out Pompeo sat in on the call
But kept that news secret from Congress and Press
Then WAPO found out and reported the truth
That Mike was a witness although he was mute
So far he’s avoided their questions when pressed
Nor has he denied that he listened to all

Not stupid is Mike, he most surely did know
That Trump’s conversation was counter to law
And surly would be an offense most impeachable
Yet he said nothing, Itself reprehensible
Painting him party to Trump’s legal flaws
And sullied his future, politically so
