Swift Moving Politics

Swift Moving Politics

Swift moving politics like breaker waves fast racing to the beach
Two hundred nineteen Democrats, the House, preparing to impeach
The White House memo on Zelensky’s call with Trump they did provide
The whistleblower’s full complaint-report has been declassified
And on the morrow, in the morning, it will be released
The breaking news keeps coming fast as though it will not cease
These truly are historic times, events outside convention
My message is that all of us should closely pay attention


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

4 thoughts on “Swift Moving Politics”

  1. I hope you are right. This is not good for national security. His approval rating is low now, even among Republicans according to a recent poll as of September 3rd. We’ll see what happens after these recent developments. https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx

    Trump is already trying to put his usual spin on the news and claiming its a witch hunt. I would hope the American people can finally see what even school children have picked up on. He is not well. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/09/donald-trump-not-well/597640/

  2. I’m confused about what the ethical response is in this impeachment proposal. I agree that he needs to go and no president has ever been successfully impeached and an impeachment may only work in Trump’s favor. Mitch and the Republicans control the Senate as well. However, it would be unconstitutional not to impeach him. Either way, a failed impeachment is likely and this would only pour kerosene on a fire. He’s a reality tv show host and knows how this works. He would most likely lie to his constituents about how this was a partisan attack by the Democrats and that this was a product of “Fake news”. In other words, he would turn a constitutional obligation into a reason to vote for him after it failed in the Senate. The best chance we have of getting a new president is to vote. This is how he is responding now ““There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have,” Trump tweeted early Wednesday, some 13 hours after Pelosi’s announcement.
    Victimization always has been core to Trump’s identity, both as a politician and as a real estate promoter and reality-television star. It is the emotional glue that yokes Trump to the grievance politics of the right. Many of Trump’s grass roots followers have said they feel protective of the president in part because they, too, feel oppressed and ostracized by elites.”https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/815fbbea-e14c-11e9…
    This is why we need to impeach him and this is why it will probably backfire. “The founders of the United States created the office of the presidency and feared that its powers could be abused. So they included impeachment as a central part of the Constitution.
    They gave the House “the sole power of impeachment;” the Senate, “the sole power to try all impeachments;” and the chief justice of the Supreme Court the duty of presiding over impeachment trials in the Senate.
    The president, under the Constitution, can be removed from office for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” What exactly that means is unclear. Historically, it can encompass corruption and other abuses, including trying to obstruct judicial proceedings.
    No president has ever been removed as a direct result of impeachment. One, President Richard Nixon, resigned before he could be removed. Two, presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, were impeached by the House, but not convicted by the Senate.” https://www.cnbc.com/…/what-it-would-take-for-congress… We have no choice but to impeach him and because of this funhouse mirror show of a presidency, an impeachment could help fire up Trump supporters to turn out at the polls in states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and other states where Hillary lost the electoral votes by a narrow margin in the thousands. In a sense, he has put us in a new territory of deceit and corruption. To ignore the impeachment process is possibly illegal and unconstitutional, but to continue with it could possibly add to his reelection. Either way he wins. I could be wrong. What do you think?

    1. Thanks again for your reply. I agree with your assessment that the impeachment inquiry is necessary but differ with you on its likely effect on the election. The inquiry will substantiate and add facts on the President’s serious unconstitutional behavior to which the public will increasingly be exposed. The Senate likely (but not necessarily) will not convict but the voting public will, as a result, become more informed. However, I believe that Joe Biden’s bid for the nomination has been damaged by all the negative publicity which was the President’s intent in his phone conversation with Zelinsky.

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