A Sea Change

How mighty the whistling sounds of the blower
‘Though Trump tries to mute them the sounds still are heard
Throughout much of Congress Republicans cower
While Democrats rally around the “I” word

A sea change in politics Trump has unleashed
Extorting Zelensky, Pres. of the Ukraine
The ultimate act that will get Trump impeached
And render the Senate Democratic Again

It won’t be straightforward with bumps all along
The Senate Republicans fear Donald’s tweets
They will not convict him; his hold is too strong
As such, all those running are doomed to defeat

It’s risky, I know, to put forth these predictions
There‘re still many pitfalls until the election
My statements are fueled by an inner conviction
An ultimate faith in the public’s reactions


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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