

Now that the Senate and part of the House
Are part of the White House executive branch
Trump knows he is free from all laws there about
No matter his actions there’re none that he can’t

Trump’s claimed exec privilege for all of his minions
All those who have ever with Trump been involved
That they’re not to testify, facts nor opinions
Before House committees. This Trump has resolved

The chairmen have challenged Trump, suing in court
Since oversight’s Congress’s specified role
But it all takes time for a judgement report
In the meantime Trump’s clearly achieving his goal

Of note, very recently, a whistleblower
Reported an incident of grave concern
To the IG of Intel who relayed it over
Direct to the DNI, we have learned

Who, within a week, was required by law
To inform the Congress’s Intel committee
Which he hasn’t done; the conclusion we draw:
The White House forbade him from doing his duty

The Post revealed some of the incident’s content
They told that a phone conversation occurred
Between Trump and some foreign listening agent
Where secretly Trump made a promise, his word

The whistleblower believed this was critical
And very urgent for Congress to know
But Trump squelched this message since it was inimical
Clear, now, it’s not where, next, Congress will go


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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