Saudi Oilfield Attack


“Locked and loaded”, Trump is ready
Authorized? No! Doesn’t matter
With the Kingdom we’ve no treaty
But we’ll fight their hot-war battles

In response to drone attacks
Against the Saudi oil complex
Yemen claimed ‘Twas them, in fact
But Intel thinks Iran suspect

Now, MBS, Crown Saudi Prince
Is looking where to place the blame
Knowing he can then convince
Our President to play his game

And Trump was nearly incoherent
He’d meet Khomeini, sans conditions
When this news of his intent
Was aired he called it “fake” revision

It does appear that MBS
Will be dictating our reply
And where that leads, I’ll let you guess
He’ll fight ‘till our last soldier dies


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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