My Latest Guess

My Latest Guess

The news from MSNBC we heard today
What Maddow and O’Donnell sadly had to say
What Trump has done, is doing, so to have his way
Is leaving me depressed

I’ve written much concerning Trump’s depravities
How toward our nation’s norms he lacks propriety
But what we learned today exceeds in gravity
His deeds which I’ve addressed

Ukraine, you know, has been, by Russia under threat
Obama started programs that the threat be met
But Trump is killing these with every chance he gets
With Putin he’s obsessed

The other bit of news that worries me a lot
Iran’s resuming research nuclear that’s hot
And building centrifuges, actions that Trump wrought
Their rate is now express

Now certain other nations of the Middle East
Will buy or build such weapons so to keep the pace
An arms-race nuclear is slated to take place
To Israel’s distress

This brings me to this sad but probable prediction
That Israel will begin a war of interdiction
Against Iran with Trump approving with conviction
This is my latest guess


Author: Sabba Rabba

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