Ilhan and Raishida
Ilhan and Rashida were well on their way
A visit to Israel and the West Bank
To promulgate boycotts and to have their say
The BDS movement is nobody’s prank
Boycott all Israeli until they fulfill
These four obligations they claim are derived
From Law International, say what you will
With arguments, legal appearing contrived
End occupation of Palestine land
Remove all the barriers of separation
Give Israel’s Arabs full rights where they stand
Promote Palestinian repatriation
This BDS push is not my cup of tea
Nevertheless, it’s their right I support
To say their opinions what ever they be
For Trump it’s his reason their trip to abort
Shame, shame on the Donald for pressuring Bibi
For shame Natanyahu succumbing to Trump
You, now are Trump’s vassal, the whole world to see
And shame on Republicans not speaking up
Ilhan and Rashida have gained in renown
As new freshman Congressmen it’s quite a feat
They spokeTrump and Israel, calling them down
And Trump in his anger responded with tweets
The Trump brand of politics shapes new our view
Of what, for a President’s proper to do
He now pressures governments of foreign countries
To physically act against his enemies
A phrase Trump never heard of:
I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.