The scare theme for Donald Trump’s prexy campaign
Is no longer caravans crossing our borders
Instead it’s “invasion” against law and order
By brown-skinned Latinos who Donald defames
It matches the speech of white-national groups
Except that they add to their hatred-filled theory
The funds for invasion all come from world Jewry
Their goal’s to replace them, a Jew- plotted coup
The old KKK has been revitalized
It’s now white supremacy blatant and bare
With domestic violence as their daily fare
And egged on by rhetoric Trump actualized
Dayton, El Paso, some thirty one killed
With weapons of warfare so easily obtained
In twenty-five seconds some nine people slain
We grieve with the mourners, our hearts heavy still
This domestic terror, it’s just the beginning
The Senate’s inaction, McConnell’s to blame,
The President’s speeches with words that inflame
Portends the near future, more terror, more killings
Pres. Trump is the Donald, no way will he change
The Senate Republicans, cowards they be
Clinging to Trump, hoping for victory
Massacres are okay keeping winning in range
It all boils down to campaign twenty twenty
The Dems must win everything up, down the ballot,
Must counter fear mongering or face the fallout
Of dictator Trump with white-nationals plenty