Intelligence life is a life of audacity
Where often your life’s on the line
It takes great tenacity and perspicacity
To work under cover much time
It’s sheer dedication, a love for the nation
That does keep you going each day
‘Though Trump in his station, an abomination,
Keeps casting aspersions your way
But don’t be discouraged, in fact be encouraged
Your work’s more important by far
Your foes are external but also internal
Trump disdains the heroes you are
Now that Coats is leaving you troops are all grieving
Since better than middling he was
John Ratliff, Trump’s choosing, no plaudits receiving,
Knows nothing of what Intel does
But that’s unimportant; Trump’s aim in recruitment
Is Intel that does just his bidding
Forget daily briefings, that oft leave him sleeping
And gather dirt his foes are hiding
So be the resistance; defy Trump’s insistence
And do the job you know to do
Trump’s blatant malfeasance will fade from existence
When he’ll be defeated, it’s true