Special Counsel Hearings


At Eight thirty AM at the crack of the gavel
The hearings begin. “What hearings?” You ask
“I’ve been deaf on the news
Can’t abide wayward views
Makes me want to take Congressmen rightly to task!”
It’s Judiciary’s hearings of the Special Counsel

“The Mueller Report – said there was no collusion
And gave Trump a pass when it came to obstruction.
The report was quite long
And it found nothing wrong
Seems a waste to have spent all that time asking questions
And not, then, be able to reach some conclusions!”

That’s pretty much what Mister Everyman thinks
What Trump and Bill Barr want us all to believe
The Report has the proof
That that isn’t the truth
There is evidence plenty; Trump gets no reprieve
It’s there, black and white, bringing House to the brink

Of impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.
To do so successfully views must be primed
Where each man’s opinion
Must clearly envision
That Trump has committed felonious crimes
Enough to impeach him, through hoops make him jump

And that’s where the Hearings come onto the scene
The plan is for Mueller to narrate his story
Since people won’t read it,
Perhaps, they’ll more heed it
By hearing it’s author recount details gory
They’ll get the full import of what it all means

But I have my doubts it will make any difference
Since Mueller is reticent making appearance
It comes on a Wednesday
For most it’s a workday
At best they’ll hear sound bites of juicy occurrences
And no on Impeachment, with Nancy in deference


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

2 thoughts on “Special Counsel Hearings”

    1. I didn’t know the outcome. I speculated based on the situation leading up to the hearings.

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